

Reflecting on the past year: I love the number 2010, but it was a tricky year for everyone I know. And yet: my God, it's almost hard to believe that there are now friends in my life that I did not know one year ago today.

I want to thank each of you - those people I haven't yet met, strangers out there in the ethernet, who look at my words and pictures while I sleep or walk about. My life feels so enriched from visiting your blogs. It's strange: even the art of street style shooting - going up to strangers and asking to steal their images, something that in some cultures is forbidden - the trust that goes into allowing a stranger to 'take' one's photo - just simply by overcoming my innate shyness and challenging myself to do it, has brought some really cherished friends into my world. I'm grateful to each person who has taken that leap of faith: trusting that I will treat their image with respect.

Sometimes it hits me, a lightbulb moment: every act we do, no matter how large or small, has a ripple effect, somewhere in the world. What a scary, yet exciting, thought.

This isn't the last post I'll do in 2010, or perhaps it is, but there's always this feeling at the end of the year like you've gotta cram everything in: like the world will end tomorrow. Only it doesn't: we just wake up and it's another day.

Photo taken by my ex boyfriend David's brother Mike, of his then boyfriend, Joe, and me. Some summer, some year gone past, somewhere in Connecticut.

There are so many songs I love, but for you kids out there, here's one your Old Man might know:

Reach out your hand, if your cup be empty. If your cup is full, may it be again.
Let it be known: there is a fountain that was not made by the hands of men.


  1. Happy new year! I'm so glad I discovered your blog! That picture is amazing, too!

  2. a very interesting shot! i actually quite like working with reflection.. you just never know how it wil turn out in the picture


  3. I hope you have a truly fabulous 2011 ahead Jill,
    thank you again for your friendship and support xox

  4. it has been a really interesting year for me too, very challenging indeed. i always enjoy reading stuff on here, hope it continues


  5. I hope you have a great 2011, Jill. Thank you for this blog. xxxx

  6. Happy New Year Jill - to make it happier you won one of the giveaways on my blog too! BTW I facebook messaged you too xx

  7. that image is "wow*. neat effects.
    i wish you all the best of the new decade! peace and prosperity...happiness and joy...
    cheers, my friend! xoxo

  8. Oh, Jill, this is a wonderful post (and picture). I fear I got all teary and preachy - but that's what the end of the year does to me. And as you say - in the end it's just another evening. Wishing you a very good one! xoxo

  9. This is officially my last blog comment of 2010, it has been a great year and isn't it so funny how something as innocent as something called a blog can change you, and the amount of amazing people you meet. I met this sweet very cute American girl called Jen who invited me to this little blog get togther where I met you, then it was like a domino effect where I was introduced to, and am now have good friends.

    the first initial sentence "it can take a matter of minutes to start a blog," and then "congratulation start your blog" the possibilities are endless.

    Happy new year, new friend xx

  10. What an amazing picture! Thanks Gill for the times you have stopped by my blog and for the inspiring comments you have left me, always with great thought behind them. Hope you have a healthy and happy 2011 xxx
