

I really am one lucky girl/woman/pava: I have the best friends, old, new, young, ancient.. case in point: Friday I was meant to meet Jen, and Kit, and an assortment of others (the plan kept changing) and I was going to meet Jen at noon.. by 2:00, when I was still busy getting bitch-slapped around from the school girl bullies at Spanish Elle, I called to cancel. I just couldn't face going out in public. I felt like Shilpa Shetty in Celebrity Big Brother.

Jen simply wouldn't take no for an answer and in her sweet Jenny Jen way, got me out of the house. That is a true friend.

And it turned out to be a fabulous day. As usual. And of course: a photo shoot.

When I sent these to her, turns out she was also playing around with saturation levels, and we both desaturated ours in the same way, apparently. She'll hopefully do a post, too, and I'm sure what she'll say will be more interesting (she always says what I meant to say - and more succinctly) and I want to do a post or two later that I took in different light - because it really changes the mood of the same outfit.

- but first, here's the sourcing:

Jennifer is wearing: Banana Republic green top, Made in the Shade leggings, H&M Shoes, Jigsaw scarf.

Oh and if anyone wants to use these shots by the way, all you have to do is ask.


  1. I love Jen's outfit! I'm so glad you have such good friends Jill, there simply is nothing better x

  2. Love the outfit. Those boots are gorgeous!

  3. Lovely outfit, I love that jacket and the scarf! :))


  4. Love the colours and fading in the last photo in particular. And, of course, Jen always looks gorgeous. What IS Elle doing?! *sigh*!

  5. Lovely Jen, she always layers up really well!

  6. ah the Brits always looks so cold....NOT. Beautiful woman, and what a wonderful friend. Glad she got you out of the house, Jill.

  7. Love the casual look on Jen, casual equals sexy. I never seen her in loose trousers for some reason haha.

  8. All you have is ask! Well, well, sooo true. Just read your comment. Those certain spanish persons will have tons of bad carma now, plus the uproar in the blogworld. I know it isn't nice, but I wish them the worst.

    On the hat issue, maybe you just have to get used to it. By the way, you are living in London. I guess Stephen Jones has just the right hat, that would make you feel comfortable about wearing a hat. That's the first shop on my next London trip, whenever that is.

    Fantastic pics as usual and a funny thing is I lean more towards oversaturation at the moment. Probably because there are not many colors out there at the moment.

    Enjoy your sunday evening, living well, publishing an amazing blog (I'm loving yours) is the best way to show this spanish "blogger" who's the real thing. Definitely not her.


  9. PS: Leather bags seem to be the it-bag of the moment in the fashion-blogworld.

    And on another sidethought, have you noticed that fashionmags are always wayyyyyyyy behind the real fashion people (unpaid fashion bloggers)! I don't need those mags to know what's in, I just look at "my" fashionblogs (non of it is with a mag!) and know how something looks and is real. Mags are mostly boring and behind the times. Ooops

  10. Now that is a true friend, Those can be so few and far between! :)

  11. Apparently there are dozen other blogs on Elle.es specialising from fashion, celebrities to beauty. Found my old street style photo of my friend on their menswear post, credited of course but no link.

  12. "ask", haha, now there's a novel idea. ;)
    that jen seems like a treasure! (i have two special jennys in my life- true friends.) not to mention how nicely dressed your jen is in these pics. pretty, pretty!

  13. Totally love the outfit.! <3


  14. I am so glad Jen was able to get you out and you had a great time. Just read your comment on San's blog and could not believe the email you received by mistake. I just don't know what to say.... stunningly unprofessional and callous! always enjoy Jen's pictures. She is so pretty and always stylish! Love her pants.
