
they can stand me up at the gates of Elle

Good morning Cupcakes!

Well as some of you have already pointed out - thank you - Spanish Elle has removed the post. But no one has contacted me from Spain OR London (I contacted people in Spain, London, and NY), apart from a cryptic one word response to my second call to the publisher of Elle USA in NY: the word was 'efforting'. He had taken the time to speak with me and I am grateful for his time and I assume, help.

However, I am not happy with Spanish Elle's response - or lack of one.

I'm not going to let this consume my life but I do feel this is the most cowardly, unacceptable solution to a problem that someone of Elle's employ. If a child behaves badly, it is ultimately the parents' responsibility. Same applies here.

I will not give up until I get a written acknowledgement and apology.

As Tom would say, 'I know what's right. I've got just one life. In a world that keeps on pushing you around I will stand my ground. And I won't back down.'

You can read my comments - in English and Spanish - on their current post. But I will move on: dwelling in the negative gives a girl frown lines. New post coming up shortly, and tomorrow, shots from my shoot with My Wardrobe!


  1. You have to know that this is a holiday week in Spain, so maybe that´s the reason why you haven´t got any apology yet (everybody is on holiday here!)

    Good luck!

  2. Yes, thank you - someone else in Spain just told me. I think it's Monday and Wednesday?

    That's why I'm calling off the dogs today and just going back to my regularly scheduled program. Thank you for your good luck wishes, whoever you are, Anonymous! And thank you for taking the time to do this on a day off - hope it's WARM down there and you're having a lovely holiday.

  3. I'm glad they removed the post. Apology would be nice too, won't it.. Hope it all settles soon.

  4. Can't believe they haven't offered some kind of apology for this, taking the post down is a very half hearted/ "chicken" ish response. They're acting like a child who has taken a toy that isn't there's and then just hidden it instead of giving it back and apologising. I hope Elle grows up and gives you a proper apology Jill x

  5. well, it's a step in the right direction at least. Hope you get an apology!

  6. They obviously know that what they did was wrong because they took the post down. I hope they offer you a public apology, and clarify for their readers whose pictures they were using. I certainly won't be buying another copy of Elle until they do.

  7. I agree with what a few others have said. Even though it is a holiday in Spain, someone obviously removed the post, so they are aware that it was a problem. I am hopeful that apology is forthcoming. If it isn't, they are going to have a lot of unhappy commentors on their hands :)

  8. Yes! I forgot to tell you that it was holiday. Im so sorry...
    And Im sorry to see that they haven't yet apologized. It hurts me to see that everyone is sort of having a bad impression about a spanish magazine, and it hurts me to see that they're not doing anything to get back to you. You don't deserve any of this, neither you nor the people involved.
    I really hope they apologize soon. xxxx

  9. I can't believe they didn't reply! They kind of just removed it like nothing had happened.

  10. jill, have they replied yet? called? anything apart from removing the post? xo
