

See, this is what I mean.

Yesterday's post - my answers, but especially other people's answers on their post - made me realise I needed some Blog Balance so I don't get Blogger Burnout. I was thinking of tearing a leaf from some people's metaphorical book, and not posting on the weekends.

But I woke up wanting to post! Hence, being Torn.

Not only that, but the post I want to do - about the woman in this shot - I kind of don't want to 'waste' it on posting on the weekend because I know a lot of you don't visit blogs on the weekend. Torn, again.

And then, the phrase 'this is what I mean' reminded me of Natalie Imbruglia's song, so I went to youtube and discovered this perfect version. Please, even if you don't normally click on my videos (does anyone?), please please play this while you read this post, trust me, it's really worth the click effort!

Oh I've come up with a solution: I'll just show you this one shot of her for today, and then do the rest of the post on Monday.

I have what looks like the same exact jumper, mine is by Adrienne Vittadini, I haven't a clue which boyfriend I got it from, or maybe my brother - I know I didn't buy it but it somehow ended up in my wardrobe - and it's all ripped and unravelled and I can't wear it around my mother, or my husband, but I love it and have chosen to embrace the unravelling, but stitched the edges it so it doesn't unravel further. I almost wore it to the Armani/Vladimir/Brambleton party, which is where I shot these photos. Hers looks deliberate - see the stitching?

Same with these tights. I don't know whether this girl deliberately did the runs, or if the bought them this way, but there's no way that's accidental.

We're going for another walk soon - Hyde Park this time - and I just KNEW that the jumpers in the plastic thing under our bed was invaded by moths. I hate those creatures, spent much of last night before I went to the Robinson Pfeffer party across town, trying to darn the moth holes in an old plum cashmere jumper that he discarded long ago, and sure enough, I checked, even my beloved cashmere cardigan that was my mom's has been attacked. I HATE MOTHS WITH A PASSION and have just sprayed the bedroom but I've decided, I'm going to start embracing the moth holes. Wear them with contrasting colours underneath. Show the world 'this is what those bastards have done'.

I'm all out of time, this is how I feel. I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn. And so, tragically, are my sweaters.


  1. not really feeling the tights she probably got one leg having that rip and masterfully out in the other as one as 'to style it out'

    btw there is a feature on wordpress that you just check to say snow til january 4th so not sure how it will work for blogger

    try googling make snow on blogspot. have a nice weekend. xx

  2. i absolutely adore the the video, i've seen it so many times, very funny. i hate the feeling of being torn, i feel that so often. love the idea of the tights! x

  3. Love the jumper!!
    At a talent show for a school trip we did the mime to torn!!

  4. It's far better to have holes in a jumper that's still wearable than to have someone shrink your favourite fair isle cardigan (my other half has a lot to answer for....)...
    I'm rather fond of holey clothes...for me they show that something has been loved and worn so much that it's almost becoming part of the person :) I have a couple of jumpers that are starting to deconstruct themselves after years of such love...
    Moths are hell though. Little bloomin buggers.
    Jules x

  5. hilarious video. thanks for sharing.

  6. That is a funny video!! And yes, I do listen to most of the videos you post. ;) Good for you for making beauty out of such frustration!! And here I've been ironing on patches on the things I love! lol!! :)

  7. How funny. I just recently did a diy torn tshirt. Absolutely uselass as warmth but very cute with a shirt under it. And tights: yeah, totally into the holes, runs whatever you can make and still wear 'em.

    Glad you posted this on the weekend.

  8. not keen on the tight either- a bit too try hard

  9. detail details.. its all about the details:)
