
wish wish wish you were here

These photos are from the Kurt Geiger press day that I posted about a while back, and this is Carrie, of Wish Wish Wish. She just did a great post with a video she made with her boyfriend, Miguel. When you're done with this, check it out here, if you haven't already.

We ate the most amazing macarons - when we left they said to take some with us, and gave us little napkins to wrap them up - and we chose our shoes from these gilded cages. I love what Carrie said, when I was torn about choosing the most 'impractical' pair: 'I think' (she said) 'when you're getting something gifted, it's a time to go outside your comfort zone.' You see, Carrie is still a student, but she's a very old, very wise soul.

When she posed for me, she was saying that from blogging so long, she's found she has a few set poses, and demonstrated them. As elfish and petite and feminine as she is, she's actually wearing rather masculine clothing. Her coat is her boyfriend Miguel's, which she tied in to shape it with a thin belt.

Hat: H&M, Coat: Miguel's, Shoes: Kate Kanzier, Bag: Mulberry

Speaking of videos: The title Carrie chose of course reminded me of my brother, Jon, who is on tour now for The Wall. The line 'did you exchange a walk on part in the war, for a lead role in a cage'.. I remember listening to this version with my dad, sitting on the deck, quietly, both of us looking out on the water. We both knew there would be a time, somewhere in our future, where I would be hearing this song, but he wouldn't be there. We didn't speak, just listened to the song together.

Jon is in this video. He's playing keyboards and is just a flash with dark hair 3:43 into it. Altho I can't see him, I hear him singing the chorus, the beautiful high harmony. I'd know my brother's voice anywhere. I can't see him, but, (as my father's last words to me, years later, 'I'll be with you always'), I know, listening to this song, that my brother is there.

(And that's Carrie, just as we were walking out, with the sound of the birds and the David Attenborough video playing on the giant screen behind us).


  1. She's so sweet. I love all the shoes hanging!

  2. I love Carrie and her style :)

  3. I love her style, and the atmosphere of these pictures it looks like a Candy Shop!




  4. Love the presentation of the shoes!

  5. I read about your blog when you gave a shoutout to another one, as they used your images without giving you credit or asking for permission. I hope that never happens again. But in the positive side you have gained a new follower.
    I would love for you to have a look at my blog

  6. Oh, Jill. I love that song too.

  7. I love Carrie's blog, her style, her posts and her videos. And I would do just what she said if someone gifted me with shoes!
    Really beautiful what you said about your brother. xxx
