
bright bright sunshiney day

You know how sometimes when you decide to let something go, and you just feel so great? Doesn't matter if it's an ex boyfriend, a job you really wanted to quit but they sacked you first, or even a friend you couldn't do enough for and she unfriended you on facebook. It's just the part where you let it all go that just feels so delicious.

I was just skipping in the darkness, earlier, on the way home from visiting Major Bobby in hospital (seriously: he is such a delight, such a charming charming man: perks me right up) and strolling thru the Boltons in the dark, heading home, I passed half a dozen college girls, singing and laughing, and it's like none of us realised it was rainy and cold.

Mr. D and I had a great dinner, now we're hanging out with the cat, and I just clicked on a folder and found some shots I hadn't posted of Emilia, last fall, wearing Goodone for Topshop, and suddenly the song 'Bright Sunshiney Day' popped into my head. I had no idea it was Jimmy Cliff: I somehow thought it was more.. mainstream.

Whatever. Hit play, turn up the volume, and sing along with Jimmy. Tomorrow heading to Shoreditch, meeting with Robinson Pfeffer, and you betcha I'm bringing my camera. If I see anyone in the East End style worthy, I shall go up to them and ask if they'd like to be dotted.

World, I am back.


  1. Love the red tights! Seeing that brightened my evening up!
    I have so many things I need to let go of. I remember the last time I had that 'moment' where some baggage in my life just lifted. Best feeling in the world.. you feel so light you could fly!

  2. oh noooo! I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow, I could've grabbed some FF time while you were in the east!

    Great photos, Emilia's lovely (Do you remember I street-shot her, completely coincidentally?). I can see what you mean when you said you think we look alike, but she's much prettier, and more girly! xx

  3. styleeast: call in sick (and you're just as pretty btw: AND girly.. on occasion)

    tali: thank you, and hope even just writing that helped whatever's weighing you down just magically disappear.


  4. Wohoo, keep on rolling girl, keep on rolling...

  5. Ahh this post has cheered me right up, thank you jill. I cannot wait till the sunshine wakes me up once more :) x

  6. Im in love of your dress it looks perfect on you , and the hair bow.. very relax and soft ..love this outfit!

  7. So glad you're back. I was tiring of all your negativity.

  8. I love the red tights. I am totally going to copy that next Monday! Love the post. Cheers!

    Girls Day Out gdo-family.blogspot.com

  9. Just fabulous! I'm loving the red tights :)

  10. HI! Love your blog! Come check out mine and FOLLOW!

  11. These are so pretty! I wish we were having bright sunshine in New York... it's snowy and dismal over here. I love her dress, by the way. Such a neat design.


  12. oh, what wounderful legs!!! no matter what colour - I would take at least two pairs if it was on sale ;)

  13. Yey for street style shots!! Can't wait to see who you shoot!! :) No pressure or anything!!

    Letting go is always so heard to do but when you do, it feels so good, you wonder why you didn't do it sooner. Or that's how I always feel. Anyway.

    Happy shooting :) xx

  14. so great to see that you've got your groove back, and what better way to shrug off the old worries than with these shot of Emilia! xx

  15. Thank you all, even Anonymous: the irony of that comment - your tone - will keep me smiling all day.

    We do aim to please at www.polkadot.tv - but sometimes we fall short of the mark.

    Emily I was almost in NY for fashion week... was invited in one of those 'too good to be true' scenarios that turned out to be exactly that. Which compounded my negativity. But hey: I lived in NY for many many years and if I'm meant to be there for fashion week in September, I will. So stay warm - and I'll visit your blog, soon. Must run now tho so thank you all! xx

  16. This shot is lovely, the dress in particular is amazing. Thanks for all the beautiful and inspiring images you post!

  17. You're very welcome Zoe! So sleepy tonight and giving myself a night off fro posting, so it's nice to hear this comment from you.

  18. Love love love this outfit. The black dress and red tights, it's perfect!

