
girl a la mode: charlie may

When the alarm went off on Tuesday morning at 6:00, at Shini's really cool loft in East London, after our girls sleepless sleepover, I really, really didn't want to go to St. Pancreas for the ungodly hour of 8:00 a.m. for the Next event. I mean, I really, really didn't want to go.

But if I hadn't, I wouldn't have got to know my new friend Charlie May, GIRL A LA MODE. And I wouldn't met the other lovely people I did. And I always know: when in doubt, show up. Or you'll be kicking yourself after.

Charlie is so cool. In that way that's modest about the right things, and quietly confident, too. I asked what she wants to be when she grows up and she said a designer. And she's working for someone she clearly enjoys working for: Thomas Tait (above). She just lights up when she talks about him. Isn't his work amazing? And I love his face. You can read more about him in the New York Times article here, or in this Elle piece.

The thing that is so extraordinary is how, in the chaos that we were styling our outfits - Jazmine said, as we rushed past each other, it was like being on some mad shopping spree but we don't keep the clothes - and somehow Charlie managed to layer and style hers to make it edgy. When I had asked her to describe her style earlier she gave me a few designers' examples but I feel her styling, using the given, in her case, of the white Don Johnson circa Miami Vice jacket, was the clearest answer. It's quite subtle and sophisticated, how she arranged the elements, don't you think?

When we were on the coach, leaving Next HQ, I sat with Charlie. As we reached the train station everyone just hopped off but I was struggling with my bags, including that silly giant flowered bag containing the blanket that I didn't even end up needing. Charlie took one look over her shoulder and saw me floundering and just without thinking hoisted it over her shoulder. Once an intern.. she just instinctively knows how to assist in whatever form that takes. And you just know that she's the kind of human being that, when she's this famous designer, everyone will be clamouring over each other to work for her. And I can say 'I knew her when.' Can't you just see that name on the BFC catwalk list? 'Oh I love that look, it's so Charlie May S/S 2012'. But meanwhile, cupcakes, we've got Thomas Tait to look forward to.

Have a lovely weekend everyone! Off to see Major Bobby: he sounded much brighter this morning, so fingers crossed. Thanks for your kind thoughts: you are all the loveliest of flowers, truly. xoxo


  1. Jill, this post is gorgeous! I love how you included Tait's image and looks into the piece. Charlie is such a star, I'm so glad to have met her. So glad we hoisted ourselves up out of bed and forced ourselves to go. p.s. you didn't hog the covers, but apparently I snored (according to kit). haha.

  2. Charlie is so beautiful, she looks like Rachel Weisz from the side...shame I didn't capture it fast coz my SD card fked up.

    @ the style crusader: you didn't really snore, you were breathing heavily...a sign of tiredness...I guess you slept well whilst I listened tirelessly in bed.

    Just received my video piece....the girl in the video doesn't sound like me.

  3. Charlie Charlie, please put me on the top of that list of people who'd like to work for you.

    Jill you're so right, and I'll tell everyone I saw it here first. Although of course, I'm sure she's heard it many times that the future is bright for her, that outfit basically says that! (So edgy.)

    And dudes, isn't Charlie May such a good real/stage name? I will name my daughter TOM if it sounds good.

  4. Sounds like you had a great time. Fantastic pictures and how sweet of Charlie to help you out, bless her!

  5. when she is all famous, I can say i made her dinner. she is a treasure.
    as are y'all!
    x fi

  6. awww I love her too - thanks to Fi for introducing us!
    Not that I want to steal her thunder in anyway but Jill I kept seeing you with your bags up ahead and kept meaning to run up and help you! You seemed like a laden Donkey - not good!
    I was so impressed with her layering and someone said she made it all look designer, definitely true.

  7. great texture in her black sweater. i love that.
    sounds like the sleepover was fun!

  8. She's totally got it. Yay to Charlie May! Her outfit is incredibly well put together - fearless and subtle... If that makes sense. xoxo

  9. She's gorgeous with a wonderful and unique sense of style - you can tell she has amazing things in store for her!

  10. love your look!! amazing!!! ;)




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