
happy because

It's a grey day outside and I've already missed yoga class AGAIN. This is like a world record for me - haven't been swimming, either - neither has Mr. D. We're both semi on the verge of getting that bug everyone's had. So I'm staying in drinking coffee going thru photos wearing old grey soft velour sweats by God knows who. Looking at these photos of Frances (HAPPY BECAUSE) and Jen makes me smile: they are both those rare creatures: pretty, stylish girls who are really smart and funny and fun loving and don't have a bitchy bone in them. I met Frances @ LFW last September and within minutes, we had already plotted a blogger's revolution. Every time I see her, it's just this ongoing hilarious conversation.

It's funny: on Frances's post today ('better than tux') she's wearing red lipstick and it's amazing how just that one thing can transform her look. Which is exactly what Jen was saying in HER post today, 'vamped'. I wish I could wear red lipstick but I can't. I just can't.

Frances's own grey knit dress is ASOS, and Jen's grey cardigan, as per her post 'grey scale', is from Cabbages and Roses. And I love the way Frances chose for her style challenge men's grey sweat pants, then dressed them up with heels. It's so Ironic Chav. Oh speaking of ASOS, when I tried to find Frances's dress, instead I found this dress by Motel, isn't it GORGEOUS? Is it just me - I love turquoise and black - or is this not just amazing?


  1. the best part is that when it gets grey that kind of people make us finally go swimming, reading, colouring. this is their inspirational factor:)

  2. Such beautiful smiling faces :)
