
thai influence

EVERYONE is either going to Thailand, it seems, or has just been there, or is there now. I have never been (yet) and am longing to go. But I've got my tickets booked to go home and see my mom at the family winter home in West Palm Beach, so I really have no right to complain. I'm thrilled to bits!

Because we were all running around like headless chickens - this challenge took place in like 20 minutes, mind you - Jen didn't realise when she wrapped a scarf round her head that Sandra happened to do the same thing. I saw them both but they weren't in the same place at the same time. Soon as Jen realised it of course she whipped it off and switched to a black hat. That's one of the many things I love about Jenny Jen.

Didn't want to just do nonstop posts from that same one Next event, but there are so many friends I want to profile. Like Sandra, of 5 inch and up. She is Finnish, you all know her blog, it's beautiful, so is she, and what amazed me was how - having just come back from Thailand - she took her style challenge and made it so... Thai. She said when she's in Thailand she just basically goes native. And as she's never seen in heels under.. well, 5 inches, it must be a great feeling for her to be barefoot the whole time she's there.

Sandra also had her hand henna'd while there, it's different than the Morrocan kind, which is more intricate, but it's a great look. Apparently it fades over time. I'm waiting for some smart cosmetics company to launch a product like that, because with all the focus on large cocktail rings right now, painted hands are sooooo chic. Doncha think?

Lovely weekend, everyone! xo

p.s. YOu know what? Your comments so far inspired me to upload a shot I took from the catamaran we chartered with friends.. not in Thailand, but the British Virgin Island. My little inspirational shot for you. And Adrielle: you might want to try out that tattoo as henna first ; )


  1. I love Sandra's style, she's a beaut!

    The henna on the hands is definitely chic, it really bring out the rings too.

  2. The henna hand and big rung does look amazing. Thee must be DIY henna kits out there already?? I was in Thailand during November for nearly 4 weeks and what a wonderful place it was. The north is so cultural and completely different from the touristy islands in the south The beaches are beautiful, the food is amazing and it's so nice to just chill out and soak up the sun and reggae music which plays everywhere =)

    Hannah xx

  3. Your outfit is truly gorgeous! I love the turban and the skirt, the whole outfit is so floaty and beautiful!!

  4. This is such a beautiful look! It's so warm and inviting and relaxed! The henna just gave me an idea too for the tattoo I think I want...Thanks! Great post! :)

  5. these pictures are so gorgeous! i'm staring outside at snow right now so i'm especially dreaming of a tropical getaway :)

  6. I used to forever be doing Henna on my friends and I, you've made me very nostalgic!

  7. looks so great :)


  8. oh! I had no idea jen used the same scarf on her head! loved her look with and with out scarf :)

    thanks for the lovely words!

    x sandra

  9. cute cute cute also very boho.. relax confortable and beautiful!

    Follow me back :)

  10. I came across Sandra's blog from your previous next post and so grateful! I was sick with envy over her Thailand shots... I was there this time last year, it's such a beautiful country and it plus with such an amazing food you can't lose! Lucky you with a trip to the sun booked! Everyone needs that to get you through the Winter months!

  11. pics r amazing ur vert pretty and i love to go to thailand myself, plz follow back http://fearlessly15.blogspot.com/

  12. Aaaah, I love her whole look! That last picture is beautiful - it literally lit up my laptop screen... I want to go there! xxx

  13. I've been to BVI and it is so beautiful! We also took a catamaran ride, snorkled and had loads of fun! Love your style, xx

  14. These photos are absolutely stunning! I love the last one as well, I would love to go to Thailand at some point. And I love the headscarf, vest top and long skirt look, it's so beautiful. Perfect for the Summertime. xxx

  15. Go to Thailand if you get the chance - it is a wonderful country!

    I love that maxi skirt, it looks so effortless and elegant.

  16. Jill, there's a real similarity between Sandra here and your BVI pic (I'm trying to place exactly where that is- I really ought to know!) What I'm saying is she so looks like any number of the "yummy mummies" in the BVI that my girl friends and their children pal around with.

    Before I scrolled down to your BVI pic, I thought that Sandra's tanned, tattooed hand, free-flowing blond hair, rings and gypsy-boho outfit is SO "cool-girl-expat-on-Tortola"! Sandra would fit right in. :)


  17. pictures are amazing.. wow
