
oh so churchill

Holding my breath that all goes peacefully in Cairo today - Natayla's uncle was waiting all night in Tahrir square for the sun to rise and start the march. But she of all people would be the first to say that life goes on and I'm editing photos for a shoot Jen and Shini did on Saturday for Next (more about that later) - after all, Nat's the editor of Its Fashion Week, Egypt's main online fashion magazine, and she's such a professional, she'll do whatever it takes to make her deadlines. So while I can understand her not being able to do hers today, what with there being no internet in the country and all, still it would be pretty pathetic if I just threw up my hands and got all verklepmpt and started boycotting my own blog on behalf of the Egyptian people.

And yesterday I got back on the street style horse! Yay! I first surreptitiously shot Jess and her dog, crossing Pont Street after a lovely coffee and chat with my friend Maria. The sun was out and no one else was around and she saw me and smiled so I thought, what the hell. Can't hurt to ask.

Jess's dog's name is Winston Churchill and when she scooped him up to pose she said 'He doesn't like being told what to do.' I'd guess his namesake felt the same way. I love Jess's style, I can never get tired of black white and camel, love her creamy white cable knit jumper which looks expensive and possibly cashmere. When I asked where she got her jacket she told me but you wouldn't believe it. 'It's so Martin Margiela, don't you think?' she asked. I do.

Fingers on buzzers who made it. Answers in the next post.

Praying it stays peaceful in Cairo. The first thing I heard when I turned on the BBC was a reporter saying 'it's a bit like a party' and we all love a good party.


  1. they both have an amazing style :) and winston churchill does look a bit stubborn, but also proud.

  2. let's just hope the dog didn't inherit depression after his patron...
    and I envy you the sun so so much!!! it's good to see that it didn't vanish totally:)


  3. That coat is just so cocoon-nish and lovely! If I had to guess..Zara?

  4. Good guess, C.. but, no. Close tho.

    Savez: he seems more cheerful in this incarnation. Stoic, but.. well maybe he was just having a good day, sunlight and all.

    Yes I agree Kazuko: stubborn, but proud. And stylish ; )

  5. My guess is Primark or H&M. Not because it looks cheap but because surely it must be... otherwise you wouldn't have asked us to get.

    So loving this post and adore the street style. Glad you've gotten the bug back (the street style bug that is).


  6. Gorgeous style...lovely pics and post!!!

  7. V: Nope... ; ) but also good guess! And Jen it's not Primark OR H&M but I like the way you're thinking. Well I always like the way you think!

    Keep going, girls, you're nearly there.. I really should come up with some kind of give away for the winner. Any suggestions?

  8. Topshop? Seems like an obvious high street choice but no one else has suggested it... yet!!

    Love Churchill's little coat! :)

  9. I love that she's wearing such cool flat boots - fashion editorials are great and all, but I'm not going to walk my dog in stilettos, so it's lovely to get some 'real world' inspiration!
    - Catherine at The Spring

  10. I love how Jess and Churchill have the same color scheme going on!

    Thank you, Jill, for blogging about Egypt. You're actually the only one on my blog roll that has.


  11. jess and her wee doggie match!
    i like jess's style here...gorgeous coat.
    thanks for having an "intelligent" style blog. keeping our fingers crossed for egypt right now...
    and safe travels for you! xo

  12. I don't like being told what to do either... LOL jk :)

  13. Aha just got home - found some great dogs for my Samsung NOw project - and thanks for your comments.

    Shopgirl, you're the winner! Who'd have thought? I'd have thought Zara.. ASOS MAYBE.. but it doesn't seem Topshop. It's actually got a bit of a +J uniqlo feel.

    So: what should I do for a prize for Shopgirl? Something cheap & cheerful.. any ideas?

    Blythe & Charlotte: check out Style Crusader's post! She's talking about Egypt, and magnificently.

  14. I was going to go with Topshop, I recognise the cut but i've never seen it with this collar before. She's got great, classic style and i am incredibly jealous of little Winston, character though he is! x

  15. Yey!! Good ole Toppers!!! I go through phases of lusting after EVERYTHING in there and then a phase of liking NOTHING. Think I need to go and have a look again... it's been a while!

    Keep the street style coming!! And other posts too :)

  16. Jill, I read Jen's post, and it was amazing as well!


  17. These people are very stylish.Lovely pictures.



  18. i can't wait till im in the position to get a dog, he looks like a right cheeky chappy

  19. LOVED this post!!!! and yes, because I have a dachshund mix that looks just like the one in these pictures. And no, he doesn't like to be told what to do either, must be a breed thing. His name, Nero, like the Roman emperor. These small dogs need big names as gigantic as their personalities ;)

  20. BB Dakota Coat I own it!
