
we had faces then

In light of the Oscars last night, I'm showing you a collection of three women with old fashioned movie star appeal, in my humble opinion. I don't know who they are - the top one had oodles of attitude, in a good way: she burst into the Somerset House tent quickly with her friend and I snapped her without thinking and got this one shot.

As I type this I still don't know who won - haven't had a chance to look at anything online and running out to a meeting shortly. That's something I miss here: I can't see the Oscars til I go on eBay and buy a bootleg DVD. We live in a Mews House in the shadow of a taller building (nothing compared to NY proportions, or most big cities like Tokyo) but it means we can't get satellite. And when we lived in NY, I'd often go out on Oscar night and didn't care. It's so true, like Joni MItchell said, don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got til it's gone.

It's a soft grey squishy-rainy London Monday morning, and Mr. Dot's gone to take our sweet sweet old car to the garage: we were driving thru Knightsbridge yesterday and smoke started flying out: we had a ton planned including seeing a friend who just arrived from NY, and instead spent several hours - FIVE in total for the Dotman - parked across from Harvey Nicks, in front of the Mandarin Oriental, waiting to be towed (the AA were lovely when they did arrive).

So please pray for the UMS car, as we call him. He's a good little car and spent the night on a street outside a garage, and is feeling a bit poorly.

So what do you have on for today? Hope it's lovely.


  1. these ladies look so classy! amazing hair and make-up. They do look so cinematic, like they're just off a video shoot.
    I'm going to the sea today- not because it's warm but because it's so nice and a great place to shoot photos ;)
    have a wonderful monday


  2. absolutely love the curs on the second girl! so wish i could figure out how to get my hair to set like that! she is stunning!

    packing up and moving out of my house today... got caught out in the pouring rain with an arm full of coffees and pastries... haha. such is england. lovely in a sort of melancholy way. xx

  3. it's so nice to see a photo of portia freeman (the blonde girl), she's so gorgeous! xx

  4. That girl in the first picture looks like she's straight out of 'Factory girl', i love it!

  5. The first girl looks a bit like Keira Knightley on the front cover of Marc Elle!Loving the leopard print and red lips!

    Alexandra Thérèse xx


  6. Prayers for the little car, Jill! I didn't get to watch the Oscars either (no Sky) which I found disappointing, but at least I got some sleep :)

  7. Top one's lois winstone (an actress), the middle one is portia freeman (a model), not sure about the bottom one though.

    Good luck with your car!

  8. I love the whole look of the girl in the first photo. Red lipstick and (faux?!) fur go hand-in-hand. Or orange lipstick, as it looks as if it might be...?!! I think I need to learn to wear red lippy!!

  9. Love the photographs.

    I hope Harvey came out and helped you while you waited for a tow.

    Have a super week!

  10. Get well soon little UMS! Your parents miss you!

  11. Oh you are all so sweet! Thanks to your kind words thoughts and prayers, UMS is now safely home and well.

    And Anonymous: so good to hear from you! I wonder if that WAS Lois Winstone! I asked to take her photo - I'll post shots of her smiling, she's got a lovely smile - but it wasn't because I thought she was her, if that makes sense. I've looked up Portia Freeman, it might well be here... I've got some other great shots of her too.

    You're all so nice. People can be so nice! xo

  12. what beautiful women, they really do have such a old school, movie star appeal. lovely photographs, jill! such a shame a missed london fashion week, i had a feeling i would really have enjoyed it this season. but i was in beautiful thailand so it wasn't too bad! ;) see you at the now project event and/or the bertie blogger event?! xx
