

Watched The Model Agency again last night - it's like my guilty secret after my husband's gone to sleep - it's so.. accurate. Last night's episode especially, 'Tired and Emotional' and I realised, like in the previous episode featuring Leomie, I think this might be Julia Nobis, with the Mona Lisa smile. Or, not. Knowing me, I've got it wrong. Again.

Speaking of Mona Lisa, did you hear the new theory is that she was da Vinci's boyfriend? Or did I dream that?

A meeting today in the East End was cancelled and I've found myself with free time, and I have so much to catch up on. I'm finally sifting through shots @ LFW - the more impromptu off the catwalk ones - and I'm torn.. are you sick to death of fashion week? Should I move on, only to return at a later date? After all, there is so much more to life than fashion, or fashion week.

But first: a few pony tails. They were big on the catwalk - literally, at times - just wondering if they will be the new topknot. It's just tricky to do it with a fringe without looking like the Original Barbie. I'll tell you what I really feel like doing today: sneaking off alone to get a coffee at Cafe Nero, then see a film. Any film. Any suggestions?


  1. Love the last shot! Have been thinking the exact same thing... that the pony tail is about to make a big return! Beautiful beautiful... and feels so fresh and innocent. xx

  2. I love the first shot! Speaking of fashion week coverage, sometimes it feels overwhelming when you log into your bloglovin and you're bombarded with fashion week coverage from all the various blogs that you follow but...

    I cannot complain because that is what is happening at the time. It's like when you turn on the news now, you'll see nothing but Libya dominating the headlines. It may be sickening but that's what it is.

    It will run it's course just like fashion week ended and for the next eight weeks or so, people will be trying to upload all their fashion week coverage. I, for one, will be enjoying what's on offer.

    Movie choice: the new Sean Penn and Naomi Watts - Fair Game. It's based on a true story. Have yourself a great day.

  3. I love your Fashion Week coverage - keep it coming, I say!! Of course, if you have another post you want to do in between, do it - it's your blog!! But as for LFW - I love to see all of the photos and read about it :)

    I love a pony-tail with a fringe - in fact I'm so addicted to my fringe that I can't seem to grow it out for more than a couple of weeks before I succumb and head back to the hairdresser! The ones in your photo look so cute with the waves and ribbons - look very surfer-chic(k)!! Perfect for the warmer weather :)

  4. Thank you Shopgirl! (I'm still sorry we couldn't meet @ LFW - but let's still meet anyway sometime soon). I must admit - I've been wearing a fringe, too, and I'm addicted too. I've been cutting my own for years (they always ask when I get a haircut 'who's been trimming your fringe?' and I can't tell if it's in a good or a bad way) and for over a year, I haven't even had my hair cut - just trim it myself (I did it again during fashion week - didn't have time to make a reservation for a free cut @ Mac so just took the scissor out after the shower).

    David: thank you! I left a long comment on your post and I'm going to run over there right now. And thanks Jen! xo

  5. The first picture is such a beautiful portrait (and shows the underlying secrets of what makes a model a model - perfect skin, wide blue (or other strong colour) eyes, interesting mouth shape...)
    You might want to move on, but it would be a shame if you didn't share your FW treasures (like these for example)... So if you move on, please go back from time to time.
    & was the ponytail ever out? I feel I've been married to it for years.

    P.S. YAY to twin posts, Jill!

  6. the cheek of it si I got sick of talking about fashion week myself,and did my last post a few days ago but at least i got more individual posts up than last season,

    but technically you're more or less just starting so more pics from your fashion week archive would be nice, as no one really covers it like you. xx

  7. amazing backstage pictures!

  8. Sorry too that we didn't meet at LFW - soon though, I'm sure! :) (Am in London for the Samsung event at the Design Museum - I think - if you're going to that?)

    You are braver than me, cutting your own fringe. My sister always threatens me with the scissors (in a mildly violent manner!!!!) when my fringe is chin length and I am still insisting on calling it a fringe. But I always resist - only my hairdresser is allowed to cut my hair!! Maybe one day I will be brave enough to do it myself...

    Hope it is a sunny afternoon for you - we have a howling wind here in Cardiff but the sun is out, so as long as I stay indoors, I can pretend it is a lovely Spring day!! :) xx

  9. I recorded the Model Agency so haven't watched it yet, I fell asleep whilst OH watched it! It must be the only programme I like, that he likes too!

  10. I agree with the above. You always have a unique take on fashion weeks. If you find yourself bored with it, by all means, write about what you're feeling. But don't worry so much about boring your audience.

    Also, I love the little red ribbons in the last picture. I gave up my hair bows as a teenage thinking they were too juvenile, but I find myself longing to pull them out from time to time. I think the small size of these makes them a bit more appropriate.

  11. I agree with Shopgirl - like everything she said lol :) <3

  12. nope, not Julia Nobis. Ilva Hetmann :)
    Call me anonymous1 if you need help identifying models!
