
stars and stripes: flash

This year, Topshop held their Unique catwalk show in a truly spectacular space in East London. It's hard to convey the contradiction of these kind of events - I know this from my brother's world, the music world- you get this kind of 'insider' moments and then suddenly it's like a feeding frenzy - the Papps - who are just, after all, doing their job. There's something about the lightbulbs going off: it's freaky and a little scary.

I really hate flash. Even as a kid, birthday parties, it made my eyes tear, and mainly, for me it doesn't produce the kind of photographs I want to create. It's.. hard. Sandra (5 inch and up) was explaining that I need a proper kind of flash, one of those attachment thingies, or to put a card in front of it, but it was kind of dark in the space before the show started, and everything was so blurry, so I needed it (altho I love the blurs: I was more fixated on getting a shot of the girl in the red tights and possibly Christopher Kane skirt, than the celebrities). Alexa and the others were so kind about posing for flash and all, but later, after the show (and I can't WAIT to show you shots of the show - later and tomorrow) I happened to find myself in a quiet space in the entrance, and it was just Pixie and me, each texting our friends along the lines of 'where are you'? 'I'm here, where are YOU?' and I said to her:

'It must be so weird, being you. I mean, don't you just sometimes want to tell everyone to just STOP IT?'

And she glanced around to see that no one was listening and just gave me this sheepish smile of relief, and kinship, and said yes. And with that, I didn't take her photo, I simply left her alone.


  1. That last paragraph nearly made me cry, I used to love their Mum you know. She once wrote a book, I bought it but now can't find it, it was many moons ago when my girls were young as were hers. xx

  2. I do not understand your style of 'photography'. Yet once am I to see one blurry shot from Scott, Tommy, Garance, Phil or Craig...? The mind boggles as this is a recurring theme for you. But that's just IMO. Not that all street style tecniques be generically the same, but isn't it imperative that they be clear?

  3. i never use my flash unless it's a proper shoot for uni or something. i don't even at night time, i mess about with shutter speeds and such but it's worth it. i've been meaning to do a shot of a clear nights sky on a very long shutter speed

  4. agree with the anon - i love your blog a lot, but the blurry pictures don't do it for me :(

  5. Pixie seem such a sweet girl, you're right she must have a very odd life, but she seems to take it all on the chin.

    I like the blurred photos, in fact I posted one the other day Florrie took of me. In this shot with the red tights I think it looks wonderful, gives a real sence of movement.

  6. Movement is one thing, but blur is quite clearly another. Movement for effect is understandable, but in the shot of the photographers (above) for example, no-one is walking or running- they are clearly out of focus. I am actually a fan of this blog; the writing is witty, but the photography for a blog with 'streetstyle' in it's title is hit and miss.

  7. Photography is very subjective and personal, and personally I'm in the pro blur camp. A judicious application of movement can add context and depth to an otherwise flat image. In the shot of the photographers yes, there is no running or walking, but to me the blur adds a sense of frenetic activity and excitement. I don't think you can judge streetstyle photography by one standard alone, otherwise all style blogs would end up looking the same - no one wants to live on an internet like that!

    Jill - I can't wait to see the rest of your LFW photos. Bring on the blur! xx

  8. What Lizzy said :) I may not always understand a blurry shot, but I do understand artistic interpretation and experimentation. Jill you rock in my book, just never mind the nay sayers. I'm sure Monet had his fair shair too... ;)

  9. I like how in the photographers shot the blurs look like lots of little number 2's how random! That to me is far more interestng than see a group of paps, it is all about creativity, anon why not try opening your mind and seeing things in a different way? Also I have to question why the word 'streetstyle' bothers you, Jill does shoot street style, LFW is still 'on the street' in a sence, and a shot of someone on the street is still that even if blurred! Also sometime when you take a quick snap it blurrs, there is nothing you can do about that, but should you trash that shot??

  10. Lizzy, yes no-one wants to live in an internet like that... hence my point about not all street style shots be generically the same! Pearl I don't need to open my mind, maybe you should be more objective? These days 'streetstyle' is thought of more as 'people style' as opposed to personal style photgraphy, so don't take things literally- the paps was just an example.
    My overall point is that IMO bad photography is being masked as 'blur' I'm sorry. I'm very passionate about this issue as too many people these days think if they have a camera that makes them a photographer. Jill has been doing this for a long time, and obviously people appreciate her 'style', but it's like when you see personal style bloggers who wear literally uderwear (Jill has posted about this before) and have a following of 12,000... untrained eyes appreciate a lot! And btw yes, if I took a bad shot I would trash it.

    I will not be commenting about this issue anymore as I think I've made my point. As I said, it's just something I'm very passionate about and I am a fan of Jill's blog overall.

  11. Whoa, what a discussion. I think your pics are perfectly alright. So some are blurry, well, that happens. And if they want the perfect shots, that's what style.com is for.

    I come here for your personal point of view. Nothing more, nothing less. I really like the shoe picture.

    Have a great week and ignore the naysayers.

  12. I just wanted to leave a quick comment to say sorry I'm incommunicado(I'm away at the moment and this is the first time I've been on a computer since Friday!), but I've been drawn into the above discussion. I'm in the 'imperfect photos tell a better story' camp (see also: Roz and the pigeon!) and one of the reasons I love this blog is the mix of clearly talented photography with often impromptu, brief moments, captured however they're told, just to tell a story. I'm a streetstyle blogger but could never claim to be a 'photographer', I wasn't the least bit interested in the photography side when I started, it was a means to an end, though it's gradually sucking me in now!

    Anyway, Jill, the comment I'd planned to make was a) how much Pixie is starting to look like her Mum, b) that Alexa is strikingly beautiful in this photo (dammit!), more than I've ever seen her before, and c) of course you can 'guest post' the pigeon, anytime!

    Will be back soon and hope to see you shortly after. Much love xx

  13. Love the first shoot Jill, ice work. It looks like you girls are having a blast and I am so jealous haha
    Hopefully in June I will be able to stop by and see you all again :)

    Kisses from sunny Bruges

