
are you for real?

This is a true story: soon as I arrived at the Arcadia press day (Topshop etc), when I was handed a bowl of yummy beet root salad, I was sitting eating it when who should I see but the lovely Alex of Alex Loves, with two lovely blog friends (that's a whole lot o'lovely) and one of the first things she said was 'this year it's all about Dorothy Perkins.' It was almost more of a pronouncement so off I trotted to the DP floor and I was about to ask to shoot this girl, who was channelling Jerry Hall circa early 1980s, when I realised.. well I'll let the photos speak for themselves. Because she certainly didn't.

(oh and if you want to see something really moving - which IS real - check this out):


  1. I do love Dorothy Perkins - they just get better and better!! when I was growing up - they were the only women's clothes store in my town - I had to like them . Always feel a bit nostalgic about them :)

    That mannequin is soooo scarily life like!!! Love the look too.


  2. uuu, it looks like a combination of jerry hall, sarah jessica parker and the holly mary herself.
    pretty scary, indeed...


  3. I have so much love for DPs right now! Bonus being they seem to cut clothes for taller people!

  4. I'm a huge DP fan - i'd say 40% of my wardrobe is from there these days!

    And the mannequin is REALLY creepy, haha.

    Little Rachael
    Little Rachael
    Little Rachael

  5. Pahaha this made me laugh, what a shock you must have had!

  6. Thanks for the laugh today! I have been guilty of this myself, though I wasn't photographing anybody.

  7. I too love Dorothy Perkins...the styles are getting better and cooler.Lovely trend setters they are.I am a complete fan.

  8. For God's sake! I thought it was a real girl. So mindfucking. xD

  9. Haha I was one of the lovely blog friends she was with :-) Mannequins can freak me out sometimes - the number of times I've thought they were real people!!

