
sneak preview

I don't do this nearly enough: toot my own horn.

Or, link when I'm in the press, or top tens. It's part modesty, part laziness. (I feel women in general often don't toot their own horn enough - apart from the other kind of woman, who toots hers so loudly we can't even hear our own toots.)

But for Wikio.. since they asked so nicely.. why not: I've made the top ten UK (& Ireland) fashion blogs. I've been in top tens before - I just keep forgetting to tell people. There must be a psychological word for this disorder. I'm cringing even as I type this!

1Red Carpet Fashion Awards
2Catwalk Queen
3The Business of Fashion
4Style Bubble
5Park & Cube
8Pretty Much Penniless
9Polka Dot
10dreaming spires and old car tyres
11A Little Bird Told Me...
13Vanessa Jackman
15My Fashion Life
16A Daisy Chain Dream
17Gem Fatale's Style Blog
18We Shop Therefore We Are
20Style Clone

Ranking made by Wikio

(p.s. another toot: just discovered this one)


  1. Congrats, Jill. I'll have to check these out.

  2. Fully deserved in my opinion...x

  3. That's awesome!! Congratulations! :) And you're right, too many people don't toot their horns nearly enough. xoxoxo

  4. Oh thank you, each of you four are really nice people - well I haven't actually met either of you in person but it's funny how you can really tell, over time, who is and isn't sincere. I really appreciate this cause the nice girl @ Wikio really had to pull teeth to get me to put this up.

  5. Hi Jill - I am on another computer, and can't be bothered to sign in, but just thought I would say congratulations! It is an accolade you most definitely deserve, and I'm glad you're getting some recognition. In fact, it sounds like you've been really busy with press days and the like.
    Your coverage of the royal wedding put a smile on my face, and there were some wonderful portraits.
    Looking forward to hopefully catching up with you soon.

  6. It's interesting to see their list - out of the 20 blogs I've only heard of 5 of them and the only one I read is yours! Congrats Jill, your posts are always informative, funny and thoughtful - in my view what all blog posts should be.

    Alexandra Thérèse xx


  7. Totally deserved, Jill! Congratualations!! xoxo
