
like a rainbow: off the cuff

Help! Can anyone ID this bracelet? She told me - lovely girl - I want to do a post, and I'm totally blanking on the designer. It was someone.. Parisian. Well known. I should know better. I've even tried Net-a-Porter and while big cuffs/bangles are, well, big, it's just one of those things that I'm not going to be able to concentrate and be present until I can sort this out.

And my goal in life is to be as PRESENT as possible, at all times. Just because you never know what will happen next.


  1. absolutely no clue, but have RT it on Twitter and maybe somebody recognises it?

  2. I'm NOT the one to know my designers but is it Givenchy?


    check out my Georgian eggplant recipe today plz

  3. GIVENCHY!!! That's it. It was driving me crazy - thank you, Maya! And FashionLimbo, that is so sweet - I saw you RT'd it. I'm really touched.

    I wish I had some kind of giveaway.. I'll do a post in the morning, she was so sweet - Maya did you see the price? It's over $700 USD - over £500! There's got to be a DIY in this. Will check out your eggplant recipe right now.


  4. LOL!! In my first comment I almost wrote: great DIY inspiration ;)
    Your Caponata recipe sounds delish! I'll have to try it. Never heard of it before. Pistachio butter sounds great too. You're making me want to try it. I love pistachios so I'll probably like pistachio butter.

  5. Haha, same here, I also first thought it is DIY. But yes it looks like Givenchy. Which is by far my favourite designer.

    The picture is absolutely gorgeous. Love it.

    Have a great week.

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