
i'll cry if i want to

Judy and Johnny just walked thru the door, like a queen with her king. Oh what a birthday surprise, she's wearing his ring.

Today's my birthday: I am so old it's scary. Actually, girls, just so you'll know: it is great getting old. If I knew then what I know now, I'd not have wasted such head space dreading it. I'd not have changed a thing about my life: just not have bothered the worrying part. Worrying about this boyfriend, will he call.. or any of it. My husband keeps coming in and giving me another kiss and saying again, 'Happy Birthday', then walking back out. Life is good.

Shot at Vogue's FNO, 8 September, 2011, outside perhaps Dolce & Gabanna. Sabine shot the same woman. She also turned, smiled, and posed for us, but we each happened to prefer the unposed shot, I guess.

It's like Paris in the Twenties, our blogs. It's like we're in some kind of virtual smoke filled cafe, in black & white, on the Left Bank. Artists & friends, influencing & inspiring each other.


  1. Happy Birthday!

    Love the shot. It's melancholy, but beautiful! Much better than posed.

    The Styleseer

  2. Happy Birthday Jill!

    No tears today Miss!

    Leah B

  3. Happy Birthday, dearest Jill. Sorry I've been so out of touch - nose in a book most of the time. Hope your birthday is as good as you deserve - although that's probably not possible.

  4. Have a great birthday, Jill!
    What dress is out of this world. Love the color, textures, and the shoes and the fur stole. Love it all!!

  5. Wishing you a really lovely birthday Jill, you are such an inspiration to me and I really admire your words about not worrying about growing older because it's actually great! Loved this: "It's like Paris in the Twenties, our blogs. It's like we're in some kind of virtual smoke filled cafe, in black & white, on the Left Bank. Artists & friends, influencing & inspiring each other". Influencing and inspiring each other - I couldn't think of a better definition for blogging Jill, and I know that even if I didn't blog myself I still wouldn't be able to stop reading blogs like yours. It's a give and take process - we give our own writings - our stories, our photographs, our hopes and dreams; and in return we get to consume everybody else's experiences - be they be good or bad. Blogging is a giant melting pot of life and our inspiration for it. May it long continue! xxx

  6. Happy Birthday Jill! It's just another number, nothing else really changes apart from that :)


  7. The back of her dress is so cool I wish I could see the front! Happy Happy Birthday Jill!!! I hope you had a fantastic day and that you have an even better year!! :)) I also hope there's nothing but tears of joy on your birthday ;)

  8. Hey, this is fantastic, Happy belated birthday. I wish you all the best for this new year, a year full of joy, filled to the brim with laughter, wonderful moments with friends, family and that you stay true to yourself, with the little and big changes that come with every new day.

  9. Hope you had a lovely birthday! I owe you a reply to your email... promise to get round to it! x
