

Part two in the Brevity series.

Shot at Somerset House, Day One, London Fashion Week. 16 September, 2012.


  1. He is more handsome than Jesus!

  2. Haha. True. Altho I guess it depends on which version of painting you're looking at.

    I'm surprised no one has comment on him: I was talking to someone and had to interrupt them to take these shots. A friend has emailed me about how cute he is, but, oddly, no one's commented. Bloggers seem mainly interested in females for some reason - the boys never get the comments! So, thank you for stopping by, Fab.

  3. If only Jesus were this sexy ... ! Actually, my brother's best man at his wedding was a Colombian-Spanish guy with thick shoulder-length locks and mustache/beard, blue eyes. All the lady guests and bridal party in the church (and it was a 16th C church full of religious imagery) were swooning at this Second Coming! xxx

  4. wow, good looking jesus though!

  5. Lordy Sweet Jesus. What fantastic photos of a gorgeous guy!!

  6. For some reason I enjoy the shots of guys at LFW so much more. I suppose it's because there are hardly any taken of them compared to the girls! It's interesting to compare the way they like to be photographed too - posing or relaxed, like this guy. More like this please Jill! xx
