
juxtaposition 08.09.11

Shot in sequence, less than sixty seconds apart, from the same spot: where New and Old Bond Streets meet. Approximately 7:12 p.m., Thursday 08.09.11 (or, 09.08.11, if I use the American format), Vogue's Fashion Night out.

Running out to mark my spot at the end of the catwalk at Somerset House for LFW which starts tomorrow. Early bird/worm and all that. I'm not going to make myself crazy this year: I've got a little bug, got dizzy yesterday and nearly fainted, Mr. D had to come get me and we took a taxi home from South Ken, which is like a ten minute walk. And besides: I'm not the blog that everyone rushes to to get the first hot off the press information. We've got all year, Kittens, so what's the rush.


  1. Great pair of photos - very amusing contract. A bug at the beginning of fashion week? Horrors! I do hope you feel better quickly. :)

    The Styleseer

  2. Hope you really enjoy LFW Jill - I think that although being the go-to for Fashion Week information is an admirable feat it's probably a much more relaxing and enjoyable experience just being able to drink in the shows, meet up with friends and take pictures of the collections you truly like instead of having to snap everything just because. Looking forward to hearing about it all! xx

    p.x. I still have "it's my party" in my head and I've been singing it all day. Just off for another listen now!

  3. Oh I love the dress. Do you know where it's from? It reminds me a bit about the one Tavi "stylerookie" wore some time ago. Anyway, it's so cool!

  4. Thank you Cecylia, Lauren (and yes I'm feeling a bit better, thank you - not 100% but hopefully not on the verge of fainting, that was scary). Alexandra, you are so so kind: I may not get a chance to reply on your posts directly but know that I'm cherishing what you're saying.

    And to the mysterious . - I don't know either, and I didn't get a chance to ask whoever it was. I didn't even see her face. I was thinking maybe Christopher Kane a few years back... it's a mystery.

  5. Beautiful belt !

  6. The dress is really cool ! :)
