
unique: i'm not talking

Because I'm too busy laughing my head off. If you have a minute, click here on this vice.com post ('london fashion week.. on acid!') then come back to me, please, and tell me what you think. Am I crazy? Or is that like the most hilarious post you've ever seen?

Unless it's true.. and that would be sad. : (

Photos by me, of Naomi Campbell with Sir Philip Green and what I'm assuming is his daughter, Chloe. Altho you know what they say if one ASSUMES: one makes an ASS of U and ME. Shot at the Topshop Unique show, 18 September 2012.


  1. Hahahahahahah I'm still laughing! That's so hilarious especialy when she talk about the girl with acid hair and the Naomi Campbell thing! Loved it! Jill you made my day thank you :)



  2. It is pretty hilarious!

  3. Laughing my ASS off especially when she got her mug in The Daily Mail. Having done my share of acid in 70's and 80's when it was still good, well, brave girl. But she looked like it was doing what it should. But man, I always took a walk, a LOOOOOOONG walk near trees and stuff. Could NEVER have handled that kind trippy-ness in that crowd. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy the hell out of it.


  4. this one is pretty hilarious too, in fact more so, but not about fashion


  5. Thanks for the laugh Jill! I'm totally passing the acid test on...

  6. ...aaand all the peeps from my other blog circles are dying!!

  7. :) saw that "on acid" article via The Guardian, simply too funny hehehehehe brilliant and different

  8. Actually that link is possibly the funniest thing Ive seen in ages LOL x
