
after fast

So many photos I want to show you! So little time. Life goes by so fast, you know?

After Fast - the Mark Fast show - which I really want to show you photos of - it was wonderful. I saw a lovely post on my sweet, beautiful friend Ediot's blog, and realised she was shooting these girls while I was shooting them, so I want to get this one up. Fast. While cooking dinner. More to come.

Is it just me, or is life getting really interesting these days? How's your mood a the moment? Are you having one of those days where you feel that anything is possible? I hope so. Because, it is.

And if you're feeling blue, and need some perking up, turn up the volume, and sing this oldie but goodie out loud.


  1. I see (and am guilty of using) so much hyperbole in blog comments I'm a little reluctant to use the word, but this really is a stunning photograph.

    As to the feeling that anything is possible, I have the same sense these days. It seems like positive change is in the air and I think it's really exciting.

  2. Carol King makes me so happy. I've got to go pull out the album so I can listen to the whole thing! Yes, I said it, the album-I still love the crackle and its the one I've had since I was 13!

    And Ive got a touch of the "anything is possible" fever at the moment too.

  3. this is such a beautiful shot. she is stunning.
    thanks for the link ;)
    you're a sweetheart. hope you're having a good day. what dish are you making?
    i made crepes with hoummus today. it was a bit strange but good..

  4. Jill, you and Ediot are amongst my favourite streetstyle (and much more) photographers! BTW, loved your previous post and I would love to visit the Vagabond Van...Have a great week!

  5. You're right. Life goes by so fast. I'm 21 years old and it's already going by so fast! Sometimes I'm so glad to have my blog just so I can remind myself about what I've actually been doing.

    And yes, I did meet up with the charming Alex - she's adorable, and we had lots to talk about.

  6. Oh gosh I feel the same way. Glad I am not the only one. Xxxx

  7. A gorgeous portrait! See, THIS girl can do close-ups (oh the joy of pore-less, wrinkle-free youth...!) xx

  8. what a wonderful photo!

    - aestheticjungle.blogspot.com

  9. Such a beautiful, happy portrait -- truly smiling eyes. And yes, life is interesting! I am feeling snowed under, but it's all good stuff! Oh, and I was laughing at your comment on the penniless Vogue assistants donning "Chanel"! xxx
