
aviator shoots girl with lavender hair

And shows remorse.

'It was not premeditated,' she said, 'And I apologise for any pain I have caused her family.'

More from the Juxtaposition series. Shot consecutively, four minutes apart, at Somerset House. LFW, D4, 20.09.11.


  1. Wow, that's stunning!


  2. Too funny! I'm really enjoying your juxtaposition series.

    The Styleseer

  3. Both so original! I love that aviator cap -- very Amelia Earheart chic!

    Yes, to your question: film and animation on my dad's side. A cousin began in graphic novels and now works for Disney in LA. My brother and his wife are indie film-makers and they make the international film festival rounds. But he began as an artist and photographer (with a lit & philosophy degree) before falling in love with the medium of film. My father's mother, who passed away last year at 96, was the oldest fashionista I ever knew. She ran a tailoring/clothing business in her youth and always out-shone every other lady at family parties! So yes, that's my dad's family's creative side. Strangely enough, my dad rebelled and eschewed creativity (though he had artistic talent) and initially pursued med school, but ended up pursuing a more quantitative PhD instead at MIT! I suppose it was just as well since this other side of him was what attracted my Mom back in high school!

    Your friend's wedding last week sounded like the perfect combination -- casual smart indeed! And happy birthday to your husband ;-) !

    PS Did you see the words that inspired Steve Jobs as a youth? "Stay hungry. Stay foolish." And so I shall ;-) xxxx

  4. Oh, love love love the lavender hair!!
