
picturing movement

What I wore New Year's Eve: a little 60 second shoot with my husband, the next day, before we went out. I had to go back in and change, and it was all 'hurry up Jill', but it was a casual dinner at our friends' house - I actually wore clear tights under the socks on the night. Beige cashmere cardigan, very old, from my darling mom (it was hers, as a teen), black skirt is actually a velvet stretchy dress, American Apparel I think, I just found the grey socks in my drawer, and the cheap black loafers are by next. Pink watch by Storm, and the same black Ray Bans that I've had since the 1980s. If anything ever happens to those ubiquitous Ray Bans.. I dread to think.

I am still so inspired by a show I saw with my lovely lovely friend Maralee, before Christmas, at the Royal Academy. 'Degas and the Ballet: Picturing Movement'. It wasn't just his work, they explored the other artists of the time - and scientists - the Lumiere brothers, early filmmakers, and the artists who studied motion through shooting a series of stills. 'French scientist Etienne-Jules Marey and the English photographer Eadweard Muybridge, who both used photography to pioneer research into the movement of humans and animals — “freezing” minute actions, much as Degas did.'

So this is my little homage.

More about this show - which, alas, has ended (but not in my heart, or creative mind), in this great Telegraph review.

Lately I'm really into keeping it simple, stylistically: beige and black and grey and white, say, or - I'm really loving blue jeans, with white tees and black jumpers - minimal, simple simple simple. Bits of silver and gold, or - like I'm wearing at the moment - a hot pink and orange peace tee shirt. And just as I did this post, the most fantastic boots arrived in the post! Which means - sorry, honey, we're gonna have to do another self style shoot very soon.


  1. Hey,

    it would be a pleasure and a great help for me if you could answer my blogger-interview about the relation of fashion, blogs and journalism. It's anonym, but you can also name your blog if u like. It's to find on my blog!

    Thank you in forward,

  2. Simple style is the way forwards. I love it.

  3. Jill this is freaky - I've just posted about the age related angst of getting ones legs out and here you are doing it with aplomb - thank you for getting your legs out!

  4. Happy New Year Jill!
    Love the sunglasses! I seem to recall photographing you in them in the '80s.
    Have a great year!

  5. Great Legs honey! Happy New Year to you and hubby xx

  6. Looking hot Jill! Love the movement-collage you have done here. Hugs from London - yes, I'm finally here :)

  7. haven't seen shots of you on here for some time so it's a nice break from the norm. nice to hear you have had some of these things for an age, makes me feel good about buying less and better

  8. Welcome back Jill (if you are actually back) and Happy New Year! Looking forward to seeing those boots! x

  9. You do minimal chic so well, Jill. It's nice you still have your mom's cardigan (that's a great beige for you, by the way). When I was a teen, I'd dig through our attic to find my mom's old things. It was always: "Mama, can I wear this? Well, can I just have it?" :)

  10. You have such amazing legs ! I am 19 and my legs are no where near as good. I'm definitely on the same wavelength with the neutrals and I also ALWAYS have my trusty way-farers with me!

  11. Jill! All I can hear in my head is ZZ Top with those legs of yours!! So lucky; I've hated my thighs since I was seven and would kill for legs like the ones you've been blessed with!

  12. Oh you are all so lovely!!! Bless you. There's so much I want to say - about body image, etc - must run (editing my novel - finished it just before Christmas!!) but to be continued... sorry sorry sorry I'm not posting more.

    I will visit each of you individually - I promise - especially you, Hannah Cammock. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment!


  13. Nice shots!!

    Dlight from Paris,

    La Rue A Du Style

