
something about the light

This post, once again, has nothing to do with fashion, except to say that I blended this colour blue, which I'm wearing still, and it wasn't intentional, but it seemed to me, that day, to be the same hue as the pool.

I took these photos in Florida, last week. In the 'hot tub', a beautiful square pool next to one of the heated pools, where my mom lives. There was something about the light that day: I jumped out, got my camera, came back in, took these shots. I haven't altered anything about the photos, apart from adding the little shot of me. My father used to ask my sister and I, when we were young, to pose in front of things - monuments and natural places of beauty. He said he needed us 'for scale'. I often think about that idea, and it's very hard to put into words: keeping things in proportion, I guess.

Last night was probably the most wonderful New Year's Eve my husband and I have had, to date. Beautiful: a dinner, with friends, at their home, on our garden square. Other friends came for champagne, and then the four of us sat down to a meal that the host, and I, made: japanese salmon and bok choy, with honey/soy/wasabi glaze (my dish), beef stroganoff with saffron rice and shitake mushrooms (his classic with a twist: he grew up in Japan), and I made baked coconut lime ricotta cheesecake, garnished with orange slices, and pieces of good, dark chocolate. Then we watched the fireworks on television with their beautiful children, and walked home.

In memory of our wonderful cousin Cliff: the brother my father never had. He died yesterday, 31 December, and he was the reason I went to Florida when I did. I loved him, as I love Jan, his wife, who told me I'm like a daughter to them. The last time we saw them, my mom and I - last week - we went to dinner. We all ate fish. When he said goodbye, he made a joke for my husband - who he adored, and visa versa - about our next visit, in February. I could see the effort it took for him, to keep things light.

And I still feel bathed in that warmth, that light. I still see the sparkle in his eyes.

Somewhere in the world, yesterday, a son was born. At that instant. Life goes on.

Happy New Year: I have a very good feeling about 2012.


  1. Happy New Year to you too!! Looking forward to a bright, bright future! :)

  2. Hey there. Happy new year, even under these circumstances. I'm really sorry for you and your family.

    On a lighter note, love the first picture.

  3. Extra-good feelings about 2012 abound, so I have noticed - moreso than when 2011 rolled around. Maybe it's only my perception...

    My best New Year's Eve was a few years ago, when we still lived on Tortola and attended a glorious dinner party at our friends' apartment. Then before midnight, we all headed down to the usual NYE joint: Peg Legs Landing at Nanny Cay. Have you been there, Jill? They do a fun NYE for those who avoid the craziness at Foxy's on Jost Van Dyke.

    I am feasting my eyes on these water photos and the blue nail varnish you've created!

    Sorry to hear about your cousin's death but I gather it was expected. It's wonderful you were able to spend time with him recently.

    Many thanks for the lovely email, I'll have more free time later today (while the black eyed peas are cooking!) and shall reply.

    Have a beautiful day! xo

  4. Jill so sorry to hear of your loss - that you can still see beauty all around you in the face of grief and sadness is a testimony to your strength - I love the first shot of you dancing on your own big toe - made me think of the fairy tale Thumbelina.

  5. Wishing you nothing but the absolute best for 2012 Jill! xo

  6. Jill, the first picture of your post put a smile on my face, and the final sentences of your post gave me the chills.

    I'm sorry for your loss, and also glad you had such a beautiful NYE.

    Here's to health and happiness for all of us in 2012.

  7. Thank you: each of you who took the time to comment here, some I know and some I only 'know' virtually, and yet each of you, I have come to think of as friends. As soon as I can, I'll come to your blogs and take the time to reply personally, but til now:

    Pret: I'll post the cheesecake recipe.

    Adrielle, San.. thank you.

    S/Odyssey: I have to check with my friend Maryann - I don't remember where we went! I wonder if it was Foxy's where there was a whole thing about a stray dog - and a drunk woman - and a great band playing... Veshoevious, I was thinking Thumblina, too, in fact while doing the collage I kept singing a childhood song, 'Thumbelina, Thumbelina, tiny little thing. Thumbelina dance, Thumbelina sing..' should really try to find it on youtube.

    And Laura (DaisyChain) and LeahB, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

    Wishing you all the most magic 2012. xoxo

  8. I think LeahB's comment also sums up my own response perfectly. You moved from the joyful, hopeful, shared celebration of new year's eve - and new beginnings - to the shared loss and ending of someone very dear.

    I wish you much joy and many beginnings for 2012.
