
twist and shout

This is going to start to give you an idea of my age, but really, do I give a toss. I've found a clip from the Ed Sullivan show of when the Beatles came to America for the first time. I remember this.

I remember watching this on TV, and I remember being in Miami, at the Deauville hotel, when a friend of my parents was staying in the same suite the Beatles had just vacated, and teenage girls would knock on the door and just ask to come in and, you know, kiss the walls, collapse on the carpet, and cry. I remember lounging by the pool and he's telling this story, and then my friends and sister and I would play Beatles with our Barbies and pretend we were their girlfriends. I always got Paul, but my sister was a George girl. I'm the one on the right, my sister is the little blond thing next to me. Definitely not my most flattering shot, but I can guarantee, we were singing a Beatles song.

Granted, I was a very young girl but still: you do the math. And I defy anyone to name a band in the years since, that can touch the genius of those Liverpool Lads.

These are the most amazing boots. First: they're not real suede, they're MICROSUEDE but you'd never know it. They're soft, and comfortable, and at £40, they're a steal. But that's not all: they come... how can I describe. They have these cool silky patterned linings, that you can twist the boots up so they're in their own bag. Then you untwist them, and the linings retreat into the zippers of the boots. It is SO COOL.

These are the ANGEL style, in Crimson, which is really more like a beautiful burgundy. I'm not a Crimson girl, but I love this colour.

Butterfly Twists. Ranging from £40-45. Original, fun, so cool. I LOVE them. Next shoot coming up: the Chelsea. And there's a story. Of course there's a story - there's always a story.

Product shots by me, Deauville Hotel (Miami, Florida) shots by my darling dad, in 1965. Photo shoot of me in my Angel Butterfly Twists by my husband (thank you honey) of me. Another 60 second shoot. Actually, I think this one was more like 48 seconds. Life's short, what can I say. Goes by in the blink of an eye.


  1. Love the boots.. But love the tights even more!! Great story and pics :) xx

  2. Love the boots and the tights. By coincidence I had the beatles playing in itunes as I was reading this (on shuffle).
    And I simply do not believe you are old enough to have been around then!

    Lydia xxx

  3. LOVE this post. The pic of you and your sis and friends is just sweet. And isn't it funny that it's the music that sets the age groups apart? When I lived in Villingen 3 years ago, I remember commenting on a song of the 1980s and literally none of my flatmates knew it. Whoops. ;-)

    The boots look fun. I'd love them in a bright red.

    Have a great new week

  4. yes, it does go by...so quickly.

    so these are the boots...a very cool concept and they look as comfy as uggs - more flattering, and certainly easier to pack.

    i adore these "old" photos. you and your sister in matching dresses, singing with friends...a very cute blast from the past! my admiration for the beatles happened around 1970, when i was in kindergarten and heard "yellow submarine" and just loved it. i reckon that dates me, too. whatever! ;)

  5. Jill! First time I've been over to your blog in AGES! Hope you're well and had a lovely Christmas/New Year. One of my resolutions is to write and publish a post every week without fail and I am determined to stick to it! This week I cheated somewhat on the writing and just posted three shots taken on my new camera in London the week before Christmas. Love these shots by the pool - the water is such a vivid blue in the photos! Your boots look really comfy, I'm on the look out for some brown leather riding boots but in a slim fit cause whenever I try nice pairs on they're too baggy round my calf!! Anyone, work calls, but lovely to have a brief catch up on your blog and I hope to be back again very soon. Alexandra xxx

  6. My older brother and sister were such Beatles fans that all of us would be twisting and shouting with them in the basement! Your Miami photos are so adorable. I actually remember we sisters having terry cloth coverups similar to you and your sister's! Love the burgundy boot color you picked, and how they scrunch down, reminiscent of princes (at least, the boots princes wear in ballets!). xxx

  7. Those are some comfy and cute lookin boots!! :)
