
somewhere in connecticut

I forget that my friend Daniel was once, in another life, my boss. I was a freelance graphic designer in NY, and he was an art director. This was back before cell phones. One Monday morning, the phone rang in the ad agency in which we worked. 'Hi Darling,' Daniel said in his melodious voice, looking at the clock because it was like, 10:45 a.m., and we had deadlines looming. 'Where are you?'

'Uh, somewhere in Connecticut,' I replied, from a pay phone on the side of the road. I forget the reason that we couldn't get down to the city in time for work, but you see, we had been at Mike's house for the weekend.. this might have been that weekend. We did a series on his pond: me and my beautiful friend Joseph Keller: it was his vision, this series. And over time, that became an expression, for Daniel and I: to be 'somewhere in Connecticut' means one could be.. ANYWHERE.

We've found each other again, and besides still being such a gorgeous specimen of a human being, he's also an incredibly talented photographer. When he called while we were in Florida, HIS voice - also delightfully melodious, with essences of corn fed Mid West blonde and high notes of smiles - brought me right back to that time in my life. We have a lot to catch up on. Keep an eye out for his site: Joseph Keller Photography.


  1. This is a truly amazing picture and a very lovely story.

    Have a great day.

  2. Sweet story, Jill. I'll definitely keep an eye out for his site.

  3. how wonderful to catch up with an old friend! sweet story.
    i think i remember this photo...didn't you post it before? it's stunning!

    re: the tabi boots:
    the boots are incredibly comfortable, especially for a former flip-flop wearing island girl. ;) it's like slipping on a pair - they feel familiar in that way.
    i was looking online for plain black tabi knee socks but gave up. i wear the boots with yoga (toe) socks.
    i remember your photos of the girl in margiela white paper boots. :)

  4. Very strong shot. You have a nice expression there for being anywhere. Looks like you had a wonderful holiday. Xxxx

  5. A beautiful little tale this Jill - I love the idea of saying "somewhere in Connecticut" meaning you could be anywhere. Especially when only one other person knows what that means. I got outside and took some outfit shots of myself with my canon 500d today in the sunshine and I enjoyed it so much - I haven't taken any photos since December really cause I've been so busy but it is such a joy, especially when you get the exact shot you want. Hope you are well xx

  6. Beautiful photo and beautiful story. As I was reading, it almost felt like I was watching a moment from a film script unfolding...

  7. Ah, thanks Roz, but who would play me? ; ) and what would she be wearing in the scene with the payphone by the road? I'm picturing cut off shorts, with high platform wedge sandals, maybe in a bright pink, or coral..

    thank you, Alexandra, San, Dvora, Stephanie... each of you, in no particular order. Sorry I've been a bit MIA, but I've thought of each of you - and Alexandra, thank you, I got your msg and will get back to you in whatever form of social media works for us both!


  8. Just finished reading your feature on IFB and I'm so glad I found this blog! I love your writing style; feels like I'm reading a good book. Anyway, I'm off to dig into the archives.

    Keep up the good work! :)

    Castle Fashion
