
garden of eva

It was last week I think: one of the gloriously, bizarrely, freakishly for this time of year summer days, and I had just left Jaks from a long luxurious lunch with my friend Pia, and wanted to do some reading and writing at the sweet little V&A cafe in the newly built South Kensington open courtyard area. And I saw this girl - Eva - sitting at the counter. She worked there, but wasn't working. And I thought at first she had a black print top under her amazing floral top, but no, it's a tattoo.

Figures: just at the time when I thought I'd hung up my streetstyle shooting shoes.. luckily I had my camera on my phone. But really: am I going to have to start carrying my Canon around again? I feel like a serial killer in remission: I'm feeling the urge to shoot again.

Orla interview post coming up, chickens! Hope you all had a delightful weekend.


  1. wow what a contrast between the top & the tatoos, she works it.

    Sophie x


  2. OOOooohhhh the urge!! I like it!! :) Resistance is futile! ;)

  3. I want her top! In that same color please!!

  4. Great story! You know street shooters can't be cured.

  5. She's amazing. Love the tattoos.

    When it comes to photography I also have seasons. During winter I'm nearly not shooting at all. Now that spring is coming to town my camera is coming out nearly daily.

    Enjoy Spring.

  6. Ah Jill, you mustn't fight the urge if you do want to take up street style shooting again! Eva has such an individual look going on in this shot - I always love seeing and reading about all the different people you meet. xx

  7. a serial killer in remission!! you are too funny, J. ;)

  8. I like the way her top color has blended with her skin color. Would like to know what type of work is done in her top.
