
mad about mad men

When Mad Men first aired in the UK, it was an obscure, not publicised non-entity that I was absolutely obsessed with, but no one was watching. Even my friends back in the States - they'd never heard of it.

Today - home with a cold ('this weather is the PITS', to quote my American friend Margaret, here in London) I'm trawling YouTube because I've already seen the latest episode (illegally downloaded, I might add: we can't get Sky, long story)and I want MORE. Most of what I'd like to share with you can't be embedded, like the 100 Greatest Quotes Season One, or a wonderful but obscure interview with Jon Hamm and Elisabeth Moss, and this, a particularly evocative clip, but I found a great little interview with 'Sally', Betty and Don's daughter, aka Kiernan Shipka:

It's like my childhood fantasies: I didn't want, particularly, to be famous. I just wanted to be the child of famous people, so I'd be interviewed on my deep thoughts. My parents were pretty glamorous in their own right, so it was easy to switch them to, say, Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman. I'd write the magazine interviews in my head: 'Samantha (or whatever my fantasy name was that week) was sitting in her hot pink and lime green bedroom, telling us her thoughts about blah blah blah.'
But I must say, Kieran holds her own with these condescending adults in a way I don't know if I could quite pull off.

These are my parents, and this is my family. And I couldn't have asked for a better one, or a happier childhood.


  1. Precious photos. (And it reminds me I have a lot of photo-scanning to do..)
    I've said this before: You look so much like your father. What a beautiful family.
    I have heard of Mad Men but never watched it.

  2. I love these vintage photos of your beautiful family! and your thoughts of being interviewed on your parents' fabulous life.

    I haven't watched Mad Men -- I don't dare because I know I'll be so hooked. I recently discovered I could watch a lot of Masterpiece Theater episodes on my iPad from the PBS station. My vow never to watch tv has been completely broken! I ended up watching Downton Abbey's season, and am currently hooked onto the Sherlock Holmes one ("brain is the new sexy", or something to that effect). Long story short on why I am avoiding seeing even one Mad Men episode.

    I'm sure you would have shown as much grace and poise as that girl on her interview! -- J xxxx

  3. Beautiful family Jill! Your dad was quite handsome.

    I am SO VERY hooked on Mad Men. I've been watching it since the beginning as well. I love reading all of the analyses on each episode the morning after. Makes me feel like I'm back in a college Literature course again. It's some durn good writing!

    You've read about the Pete Campbell "Death Watch" right?!! I wonder if it will happen and how.

    Anyways, why can't there be more Jon Hamms in this world? In the end, this is all I really want to know!

  4. Wow. Your parents look so cool.
    And this is making me want to see Mad Men after all! All the vintage sellers on Etsy are all about it - though I usually have a phobia of anything to do with TV. But I guess I could have a peak at the Youtube vids.

  5. Aw, bless. Thank you! Will reply to each of you soon as possible. And yes, Lute, very cool. I'm lucky that we still have our Mom with us, on Earth - and I can't wait to see her again. And as for my Dad: he's with me, always.
