

Is it just me but - if you happen to be finding yourself in London now, during the Olympic Games - it's this drawing in, this compulsion to watch, to be present, to not miss anything - sometimes I wake in the middle of the night and think, I've got to turn on the TV, the BBC site, what events are I missing? As if they're still going on while I sleep.

But there's more to life than just the Olympics, and I've been falling behind on posting all the street style I've been doing. This is Irina, who I met at the V&A on the first sunny warm day in what felt like forever - just before the start of the Olympics. She is interning with her friend Laetitia (who's getting her own post next), at Sublime Magazine ('the first international sustainable lifestyle magazine'), which sounds like EXACTLY my kind of publication. They both are gorgeous, and I love their very different styles - and they both were so sweet and modest and surprised that I'd want to photograph them.

I've been giving a lot of thought - because of the Games - to the idea of photography. EVERYTHING is about the camera. We were there, early, in Hyde Park, cheering on all the amazing women at the triahlon, and everything is about the photo. There seems to be some kind of energy that boosts humans on, lifts their spirit, when we are cheered, when we are praised, when someone wants to take our picture. I can't explain it, but I see over and over and over, each time someone wins a gold, they say 'it's the crowds, cheering us on', and that somehow seems to include wanting to record, to bear witness, to events.

It's like- even though we can get the images from the professionals - we simply want to say I WAS HERE.

There's another competition going on, between Westfield East and Westfield West, which piqued my interest, because I live West (South Kensington) and the games are mostly East. So I'm entering in both categories. Which, I suppose, will cancel myself out. Today's post - being shot at the V&A - falls goest to Team West. Please vote, if you'd like. But frankly, I feel that people have great style in the East or the West. Both deserve, in my book, the Gold.


  1. Lovely girl! The camera...yes, I'd imagine it's everywhere right now, in London.
    xo S.

  2. It has been funny all the Olympics stuff, I cant imagine how it is down there but here we are all glued to the TV!

  3. Pretty much the same down here, Pearly Pearl! Glued to the TV, except when we're actually out - you know, in it. And it's a weird feeling: when you're, say, out watching the triahlon in Hyde Park, there's always this nagging feeling that you're missing something on TV!

    Today I have been out all day long and haven't seen a peep of Olympics. I'm weaning myself off it for a long flight to NY tomorrow.

    And thank you, sweet Stephanie! xox

  4. Jill, I love your street photography. So glad to see you do that again.

  5. Love the simplicity of the dress.


  6. Love your shoes and your bag. nice outfit!

  7. I love that. This photo series is so lovely and relaxed. You get a sense of the subject.


  8. Pretty cute, love her dress. Looking forward for more of your photos here. Got my eye on your blog now.


  9. To Jill,

    I am writing to you from Intellect publishers an independent academic publisher of books and journals with a focus on creative practice and popular culture.

    Street Style Series
    Street style is very much a part of the cultural zeitgeist with blogs like Facehunter and Style Scout being read by millions. But I’m sure I don’t need to tell you how vital and vibrant street style is. As the writer of the Street Style London blog you know that some of the most original and stylish outfits can be found not on the runway but wandering down the street, whether that be in New York, Berlin or even Shanghai.

    With that in mind we thought that you would be excited to hear about our forthcoming book Shanghai Street Style. Combining stunning photos of the citizens of Shanghai strolling the streets in their unique attire with critical analysis of the street style phenomenon, this book is a must for the collection of any true style connoisseur.

    Shanghai Street Style is the first in our new Street Style Series. This series aims to explore the relationship between culture, city and street fashion and we will be seeking talented individuals with in depth knowledge of cities with a unique/ particular style to edit future volumes.
    For more information on this series please visit our website; http://www.intellectbooks.co.uk/books/view-Series,id=28/

    New Fashion Journals
    I would also like to introduce you to our journal Critical Studies in Fashion & Beauty, which is the first journal dedicated to the critical examination of fashion, an area of recent scholarly interest. Forthcoming titles in this area include, Critical Studies in Men’s Fashion, Fashion Style & Popular Culture and Clothing Cultures.

    If you would like to receive a free sample copy of Critical Studies in Fashion & Beauty, please reply to this email listing your preferred mailing address.

    If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact.

    With best wishes,
    Gemma Greig

    Gemma Greig - Innovations Assistant
    E: gemma@intellectbooks.com

  10. Well Jill all I can say is that it is lovely to see you shooting some street style again. And she is a very pretty subject. Xxxx

  11. Love her dress & shoes! Those shoes are looking so comfortable....and she looks nice!
