
no regrets, coyote

Back on the street again. And, for your listening pleasure, a song from one of my favourite musical style icons, to illustrate this post:


This is my kind of style: crisp men's shirt. Simple, slightly cropped trousers. Clean, cool, confident. Slightly androgynous. Bit of colour - red, in this case, for Danielle, who I met on Dover Street, Mayfair. And I suppose I should explain my absence, but as my friend Antonia's husband would say, 'Never apologise, never explain.'

I will say, however, that I didn't attend London, or any other, Fashion Week this season. There are various reasons why, and, while I had been asked to do my 'fast track' - and I did, in case I changed my mind - I listened to my gut, and my heart, and, in the end, was so busy with other things that I actually forgot it was going on. And then - because I do love life's little coincidences - my friend Mona, in Virginia, happened to send me an article in the NY Times, which pretty much clinched it for me. They quoted people I have almost worked with - and chose not to - and some who, let's just say, are not quite as nice in real life as they make themselves out to be online, and I realised that, when I set out to shoot street style, this whole hoo ha - this circus - was not what I was interested in joining. And the way I know I've made the right decision is that - by not going - I have no regrets.

Of course, that could all change. Especially if I found that someone wanted to pay me a nice hunk of cash. Who was it - was it Linda Evangelista? Ah, yes, here it is, under 'brainy quotes': I shall paraphrase. You won't get me into fashion week for less than $10,000. Or the pound equivalent, in today's market.

That said, I do like doing the odd street shoot. When something strikes my fancy. When it comes from my heart, or my soul. 

I will not be bought. 

No, I didn't mean that. I can be bought. Of course I can. But I will no longer sell myself short. 


  1. Hey Jill, good to have you back. I'm with you about this style - love the crisp, clean, slightly androgynous look.

    I went to my first fashion week (NY) this year and I did enjoy it, but like you say it's a circus and not actual street style. I wish more people, especially the press, would make that distinction.

  2. JILL! Woo hoo, a new post!! Welcome back. I hope you had a lovely vacation.

    Personally, I don't think you have to explain an absence. I just assume you write when the fancy strikes you, which is how it should be.

    In terms of the fashion scene, (*sigh), I'm not even a part of it, but I don't like what it has become. It seems that so many bloggers are just about throwing label names out, taking pictures of themselves, and not even spell-checking their posts! I'm sorry if this sounds horrible, but I feel that there is actually very little knowledge and depth behind what is happening out there. There is a definite difference between admiring and appreciating the art of fashion, studying it, and just showing off what one owns and what perks and media attention one is getting.

    I decided last week that I'm not going to waste my time checking in on a few of the "big name" fashion blogs anymore. I have, however, taken to following Humans of New York. Have you heard of this site? It's fantastic... what NYC is REALLY about!


    Thanks for the Times article, by the way!


  3. WOW!!!! fabulous women outfits.. skyblue shirt are really nice awesome color and fitting..

  4. This design is incredible! You certainly know how to keep a reader amused.
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  5. A pretty fresh face, easy hair, menswear-inspired: perfect.
    I agree with Antonia's husband. No need for explanation or apology.
    And never, ever sell yourself short!
    The only FW shows I'd ever be interested in are those that fit with my ideology (plus they happen to be in Paris). And that's a very small handful. The thing is, I'm not interested in the next big thing in fashion.
    Glad you didn't go and get sucked into another circus but I suppose it's a case of "never say never again". For the right price... :)

  6. I read that NY Times article and thought of sending it to you - glad you read it, glad you trusted your heart and gut and glad that you will no longer sell yourself short!

  7. We must follow our instincts!!You looks radiant!!

  8. I love your look. It is truly crisp and neither too chic nor feminine. It does not spell much fun either, just plain simple and casual with a touch of neatness. The outfit looks like it's inspired by men's fashion.

  9. I like the men's shirt with the pants and heels, it's not my style at all but maybe I should give it a shot.

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