
in the dawn's early light

As anyone who lives in a country not of their birth, when something happens back home.. okay, speaking for myself, I'm feeling a bit strange now that I'm not in NY. I'm loving the spirit of my friends, all the people I love, trying (and failing) to find DD batteries, going to dinner, making jokes, being brave, as one friend in Connecticut said: 'washing clothes now so at least my little pioneers will look presentable in the dark' to which another mother replied 'funny, I did the same thing.... clinging to what we can control, right?'

And here I sit: blithely going about my lovely weekend, not knowing until yesterday that Sandy was even that serious - not til the BBC, and Great Britain, decided it was news-worthy - and I'm wishing - sick as it sounds - that I were there. So instead, I call friends, and write on their facebook walls, and google Hurricane Sandy, and what should come up but the information that the Statue of Liberty - which I didn't know was closed for a year for repairs - had her debut opening yesterday, Sunday. For one day, Liberty received only a few guests - the Interior Secretary, and some U.S. Military cadets, and now she's closed again - with her thirty million dollar facelift - to stand tall, head held high, and bravely face the storm.

She is there: standing, beautiful and tall, watching over the city, a towering figurehead at the helm of the ship they call Manhattan, created to symbolise America's courage and strength, through the rockets' red glare.. a week before possibly the most divisive election in her history, it's taking Mother Nature to remind a nation that it's time to lay down their weapons, stand together, and weather the storm.

Sending prayers to all in Sandy's path: please be safe and warm.


  1. I did tons of laundry last night too; cleaned all of my bedding so I'll have a nice cozy place to hibernate as the winds blow.

    Now I'm trying to decide if I have enough time to use the treadmill and shower before we lose electricity. I'm north of Boston, so not as much in the eye of the storm as others.

    I still feel skeptical that it's going to be that bad, I guess because it seems like the stuff of movies that it actually could be, plus I've grown accustomed to the hype of the media. Anyways, fingers crossed that it won't be, and that the sun will be shining again on whatever remains of the beautiful autumn leaves by Wednesday... and that we'll all have running water and lights too.

  2. Awesome photo.
    I didn't realize it was that bad either but apparently it's awful.
    Mostly due to my history with hurricanes and the way the American media blows everything out of proportion, I do pay attention but not *too* closely unless it's headed in our direction. I realize that sounds bad BUT unless there is something I can do to help, some action I can take for others, I watch from a distance, so to speak. Katrina wore down me emotionally (my friends and family were victims as we paced the floor, watching and waiting for news from home - we were living in the BVI at the time), so...basically saying, it's hard to watch when there's nothing you can do.
    That said, I hope it's not as bad as "they" are saying.
    Big hugs, Jill. xo S.

  3. Thank you, Lauren, Leah, Stephanie.

    Leah I hope you're safe & sound & have power, and S, yes, I know - I was talking about this with various friends in NY, on the phone, as it was about to hit: it's more fun to be in it than far away. There's a huge emotional energy invested in caring about people, but being powerless. Having been in, say, an epic snowstorm, with a city isolated for weeks, I know what an exhilarating adventure it is: once you know you're going to survive, but even leading up to it. Everyone I spoke with had such a wonderful attitude: courageous, keeping a sense of humour, keeping it in proportion - yet acting responsibly.

    humour = courage

    big hugs back across the pond, S. xo

  4. Must be impressive to actually stand under the statue of liberty? love the photos as per!


  5. Aww, big hug and love to you, Jill. xoxo

  6. I know what you mean. When something bad happens in the country of my birth I get really worried and panic. It's hard to explain. Guilt probably is not the right word, just unexplainable desire to be with your friends during tough times.
    My little nephews' school in New Jersey was closed, but luckily their house is not damaged.
    Hope all your family and friends are doing OK.
