
harem rants, revisited

It's a funny old world. Mr. Dot & I were having lunch today on Northcote Road with Robert & Luisa of The Style Scout and I started in on my Harem Pants Rant which I've been holding forth on as long ago as early April (earlier, actually, but that's when I started posting on it). Robert said they'd just posted a shot of a great example of the look working. Then when we got home, I got an email from Vicky, aka The Kitten, who wrote a rather brilliantly worded treatise in defence of harem pants. Not so much a defence, as a 'what is your problem' stance. I especially like when she wrote: 'And although I am really not the defender of them, I just wanted to say, that it really is a matter of taste, and that there really can be people who like them. It is not all just a evil scheme made up by the fashion industry to force people to buy their stuff!'
Point well taken. I love being proven wrong - luckily, because as my husband is quick to point out, I usually am - and The Kitten actually backed her argument up with photos. 
In her own words: 'Oh! and I just went to a Thai-Festival today, and I was reminded myself, and therefore wanted to tell you too (when I was there, I was thinking about your rant ^^), that in some cultures they have been always there and are just the standard piece of clothing, and therefore considered beautiful in their most lush versions.'
Kitten, you've sold me. I'm now thinking I Dream of Jeanie, Anna & the King of Siam.. the circle will only be completed once I have purchased my own pair, at which time I'll just have to put up a self portrait and issue a giant, and rather sheepish, apology.


  1. Your under water shot in your sidebar kicks butt.

  2. Thanks, I can't take credit for that, it's my wonderful brother-in-law, Rich, last month in Florida. My mom bought me the stripes & polka dot swimsuit @ Target, in support of my blog.

  3. Haha, glad you liked it!

    Guess, that is what blogs are for. Sharing thoughts and sometimes ranting a bit too much about one particular issue. But that's the fun :)

  4. oh, so thats what its called. i ave those.. my sister bought me pair when she went to singapore.. :)

  5. exactly, kitten: that's what blogs are absolutely for! : )

    and to stringedmusic: i haven't a clue if that's what they're called. i've also heard them called 'peg legged trousers' because here in london, pants means underwear, or just stupid. as in 'that's just pants'.

  6. ah yes the harem pants ;).
    my mom likes to call them nappy pants, I wasn't convinced until I tried on a pair :).
    But check out the Sartorialist because had an amazing picture of one girl in some harem pants, she looked gorgeous!
    Nicky x

  7. Nappy Pants! Brilliant! Hats off to your mom, good phrase!

  8. My two cents:

    Naturally, absolutely, and of course, they are appropriate as traditional culture-wear (for lack of a better term), as are sarongs, saris, tabi and the like.

    IMO, extreme harem pants are not flattering on the body as a western fashion statement in which the wearer is nowhere near to, say, a Turkish harem environment. "When in Rome"....you know the rest. Should one find oneself in such a location where they're worn as traditional garb, then by all means, feel free, if not obliged to wear them. Otherwise, one risks looking silly- fine, if that's the desired result.

    In summation, there are things of the world that do not translate well into modern, trendy design. Some things do.

    Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder.

  9. Brilliantly put, Stephanie!

    I love the way this is more like a little forum. I've seen some blogs which have been around longer where like 56 people (almost entirely women) write all kinds of fawning, thinly veiled envy compliment comments on whatever was posted. It reminds me of high school, trying to fit in with the popular girl.

    To me, true style is about knowing one's self, what works and what doesn't, and having confidence. I absolutely love the comments of you wonderful women - stylish, yes, beautiful, truly - but also smart and articulate! There - I'm ranting again. I'm going to do these fashion rants again, they're good for the soul. Thank you!

  10. p.s. the more I think about it - Stephanie, you nailed it. It doesn't feel like a trend that has grown from the street: it feels stolen from one culture, forced on another. And we - collectively - are too smart for that, and have voted with our feet. Thank you for posting this!

  11. This blog seems to be quite interesting which includes the images where the costumes used looks more pretty which describes the culture, that still the people are respecting.

  12. Its really an excellent post. I really enjoyed a lot. Thanks for sharing this.
