
got your back(pack)

It was a really hot, oppressively hot day, and I was heading home slowly via Regent's Street, which was heaving with shoppers, mostly tourists. I followed this girl, not just as a stalker, but because we were headed in the same direction, but I was fascinated with her backpack & her cool attitude. I never saw her face.

Until a bit later, when I emerged onto Picadilly, and there she was, walking towards me. Smile! You're dotted.


  1. sweet breezy summer dress, and i like that she's paired those shoes with it (instead of the expected flip-flops or sandals). it's back-packer chic!

  2. Her bag is so hip and her dress is so breezy and light, and intresting mixture with her Doc Martin like boots!

  3. backpacker chic! so true. x

  4. Just seeing and reading this post, which I've been staring at it for at least 5 minutes, I just can't stop laughing!! This is hilarious how you followed her as a stalker and took a picture of her heading towards you. Poor girl doesn't even know! I think that's whats so funny! Lovely pictures.
    check out my trendy blog!

  5. I know! I thought it was hysterical, too! I even kind of smiled at her because I was laughing to myself, thinking 'she doesn't know!' (whoever you are - if you see this - it was only a compliment, I love the look & I'll send you the shots if you'd like).
    This kind of thing happens to me all the time, TD. I'll miss out on someone great because I was with someone or whatever, and then later I'll see that same person again in another part of town.. for ex I met a really nice dutch model named Helene on Bond St and later in the day, ran into her waiting for a bus on Picadillyl!
    by the way, I do love your trendy blog ; ))
