
honest scrap award

File under 'really nice things': my new blog-friend, the vivacious Vik of Magpie Girl, has tagged me for my first ever blog award!

How this works: tell your readers ten things about you they may not know, but that are true. Then you tag 10 people with the award. Finally, let all the people you've given the award to know they've gotten it. Don't forget to link back to the person who awarded you. I'm not really good at this usually so rather than hesitate I'm going to just dive right in & not look back:

1) We have an adorable chocolate brown half-Burmese cat named Tigger, but who we call Pooh because he is the spitting image of our previous cat, named Pooh, who died on or about the day Tigger/Pooh was born. This is true: we have a reincarnated cat.

2) I have never coloured my hair. Even with shampoo-out colour. I don't know anyone else, including my sister & mom, who can make that claim.

3) As a result, my hairdresser says I've got 'teenage hair', altho I am nowhere near a teenager.

4) I'm a real pack rat and have a lot of trouble throwing things out. Which comes in handy with clothes, as whenever something appears on the catwalk, or a trend bubbles up from the street, I can fish around in my closet & save a ton of money.

5) I am happiest submerged in water, preferably warm & turquoise & outdoors in a beautiful place.

6) I love snorkeling, but find the fins & masks a real hindrance & am happiest simply swimming bare footed, with goggles. I can go a long time without surfacing. To this end, I have come to the conclusion that I was either a mermaid in my past life, or will be so in the next.

7) My parents didn't give me a middle name - I didn't even know other people had one until I was in school - and when I confronted them with this fact my mother said 'well since our last name is Carin, when you get married that can be your middle name.' Even at the time, I could see this ploy was intended as an incentive to get that ring on my finger.

8) I love my family so much it hurts. It was really hard as a teenager to rebel against such cool parents, but I did my best.

9) There are still so many places on this planet I desperately want to see before I die. Especially the Seychelles, Maldives, Thailand, Tahiti, Micronesia, Philipines, and the Great Barrier Reef. And I'm longing beyond words to return to Ponza, and the Baths in the BVI, but especially, Long Island in the Bahamas where my family have some land.

10) Because of a conversation with my dad in a Chinese restaurant when we were kids, I now consider anything pistachio to be significant of something highly spiritual. I also love the colour and flavour.

Now the hard part: coming up with ONLY ten blogs that I love, & am grateful to: for either their support when I started out a few months ago, or they're starting out & are great & could use some support, and/or I'm grateful for their friendship & continuation in the conversation.

In no particular order:

the sleekgeek
everyday curator
lips of london
the trendy dwarf
pret a porter p
thumblina fashionista
style odyssey
culture shock
karla's closet
noelle chantal


  1. Aww, thanks Dot for the shout out! I feel like I know you even though I've never met you! (The wonders of virtual friendship.) BTW, I've never colored my hair either. I have permed it a few times (curly, straight, Japanese) but it has been done fewer than five times total. My hairdresser says I have "virgin" hair...ha ha.

  2. Aw thankyou too much Jill :)
    But now I have to pick 10 blogs to tag. oh the horror :D
    Same here with the 'pack rat' thing I keep everything I buy and you can find some truly frightening buys in my wardrobe ;)
    lots of love,
    nicky x

  3. Oh Em Gee!! I am so sorry I have been so busy lately...I have no idea why but I just read this post and almost fainted. I had to call my sister and tell her that if anything was to happen to me...to have the phone ready to call an ambulance!! I consider this probably the biggest honor ever! I am nearly speechless and my mind is racing for words. All I have to say is this is an honor and thank you so much! No matter what, I will keep commenting and supporting your blog...not because I feel obligated but because I love your blog so much! I would prob agree I am in love with my family as well! Love my little brother the best as you probably know.
    Well I got to go. Bye.
    check out my trendy blog!

  4. Aw, thank U! (all). TF: I totally forgot about my bad perm! When I was right out of school. Disaster. I swear, it seeped into my scalp & grew out curly for years & years. I used to go to Bumble&Bumble (on Madison in those days?) & pay an arm & a leg to have it 'relaxed' back to it's normal state.
    I know, I feel like I know you, too. All three of you. It's so.. virtual.

  5. hi JC! sorry for the super late reply! i was in Dubai for weeks. anyway, thank you so much for the award and the wonderful words in my blog. :) im really happy knowing someone far away from my world is liking my blog. :)

  6. and oh by the way the photo of me in the field was taken by my sister (the one i visited in Dubai) she's really great in photography and i learned a lot from her. i'm missing a lot from your posts! going to check your older posts now. :) have a great day ahead!

  7. AWWW! Thanks a million Jill! I'm so excited now, haha thank you thank you!

    hey it's ok, take your time, just reply me when you're free! oh..no no, i found them from seom websites;)
