
off the cuff

I was having a yummy coffee & cake the other day at Jaks, on Walton Street, reading and waiting for my friend Liz to join me later on, and as the lunchtime crowd started heating up, everyone started walking in with black jackets with the sleeves cuffed up. Well maybe not everyone: but if I had one of those clicker counters, there's be a lot of clicking. What I'm wondering is: how did this trend start?

I mean, everyone has a masculine-tailored black jacket in our closet, but what in God's name compelled us all to pull it out on Monday? (to be fair: I was wearing it a lot the week before, but I wasn't cuffing up the sleeves, just kinda pushing them up and besides, I can't possibly be responsible). So I'm just a fashion sheep, part of a meme, a trend that has taken on a life of its own.. I'm so interested in trends. The kind that springs up from the street, not the kind the fashion industry dictates. If the Industry had Its way, we'd all be running round this S/S in Nappy Pants, or, even scarier, JUMPSUITS (do any of you have a jumpsuit, newly bought this season? If so: how many times have you actually worn it? How is it for you, when running to the loo after a few glasses of Chardonnay?)

The thing about this black jacket/cuffed up thing is it doesn't require any new financial purchase, and I bet if you don't have the right kind of jacket, you're already keeping an eye on eBay before you're hitting the shops. So what I want to know is, why now? Is it possible Michael Jackson's death has somehow compelled us to channel this trend? Or is it the 18 year theory in action (every trend takes 10 years to recycle, and it's simply time to Don Johnson that Miami Vice vibe?

I'd like to put it out there: if you've worn one in the last week, can you tell me where in the world, and why? I'm just curious. If you can send me a shot @ jill@haybooks.com, all the better!


  1. This is curious because just last week i wore my grey blazer like this. its the best way to make your blazer look casual, to prevent yourself looking like you forgot to put on the matching trousers in the morning. I agree though, i love trends which pop out from no where!



  2. I have multiple wonderful blazers, including two fantastic new ones I found at a thrift shop recently, but it's going to be a while before I wear them. Damned record-breaking summer heat...

  3. Ah Jill I too a fully fledged member of the blazer tribe, I shift between a grey and black - but I push up the sleeves not turn up! I have a black hareem pant leg jumpsuit begging to be worn, but since you cant layer over it (going to the loo probs!) I am waiting for a warm enough day as its vesr sleeved - I will photo it as soon as the day comes!!!

  4. I've become obsessed with cuffing everything from jeans to blazers. It's probably the heat.

  5. The blazer and the bag are the perect match!

  6. So the cuffing thing is spreading faster than swine flu. Hmm. Interesting. Someone wrote they push the sleeves up, rather than cuff. I've discovered my favourite Piazza Simpione jacket (from Barneys, before we moved here - hence, 'vintage') has a nice striped lining, but so far, I'm still a push up the sleeves kind of girl. But I might try cuffing..
