
still summer

Just came across this shot from a previous post. I know that in the fashion world, everyone's thinking ahead to a cold winter, but this reminded me that it's still summer. And as my friend Amanda posted recently, let's not forget to simply stop and smell the roses.


  1. thank you!
    sure! i just added you to my blogroll.
    please add me too.

    i love this photo..
    a mother and son.
    it's just like me and mr. freddy.

  2. Lovely picture, I really like the extra dimension that the water adds!
    Thanks for the very nice comment on my blog ;)
    Wow, that must have been fun.. I have a friend who does alot of photography of me too. You should definitely get him to find the images!
    I agree, there's 2 types of blur. Blur that just makes the photo look awful, and blur that really adds to the atmosphere of the photo..

  3. ; ) there's a metaphor there somewhere, Roz! It's so true in life as well: the Two Types of Blur Theory. The good kind is tied in with movement, I feel, and quite magical.

  4. Awww Jill that is soooo nice of you!! I cant belive it!! I am really touched!!! Thank you so much for all your support, big hug, Pearl xxxx
