
how do you like your eggs, mr. dot?

Mr. Dot & I are having a bit of a domestic incident. First, he wants me to make him an early supper (vintage cheddar cheese omelette, soft on the inside, thickly sliced brunswick ham, green salad with Cardini's caesar salad dressing & Paul's bread, his favourite meal which I do make rather well) as I'm running out after to meet a friend for a quick chat. But he's got me near tears because he looked at my blog & said that my post looks bad. He said, and I quote, 'Pictures of the sky, Jill. And your one shot of people, it's blurry.' He said 'You've got all these great street shots, why are you posting this xxxx?'

It's a lose/lose situation for me because I've been saving these shots of this lovely, oh so photogenic group of friends that I shot on Gloucester Road 3rd September and haven't had a moment to post. I didn't want to bother them & we did a whole shoot - the whole story was so cute, and it's really hard to decide which shots to use - and so I just gave them all my cards and counted from left to right, 1 - 6, and gave them each a number. (You might recognise number 6 from a previous post on electric blue). So far only number 5, Alexis, has got in touch, which is ironic because originally I wanted to shoot her alone, as I love her look. (The dress is from my latest favourite shop, All Saints, in Shoreditch).

So I'm hurrying to get these up and will probably make mistakes, all the while he's asking how long I will take because he wants his damn supper. And then what should pop in but a message from my sweet blog-friend, Erika of Cafe Fashionista, bless her 100% cotton socks, on my previous post on Victoria & Albert:

"I absolutely love these pictures. The lovebirds are utterly adorable - the girl actually looks like a model; she's gorgeous. And you're right...there is something about blurry pictures that is so intriguing. :) "

Thank you, Erika. And how do you like them eggs, Mr. Dot?

. . .

P.S.: while I was preparing dinner, he took a look at my blog & said 'Ah, that's better.' I looked at the cat. And waited. He got quiet for a moment, like he was reading, and said 'Oh so now you're getting your little blog friends against me, huh?' And I told him about Erika's comment. 'That was one comment, Jill. One comment!'

Still. I've won this round, and domestic harmony is restored. Now off to finish making his dinner.


  1. Should we send Mr. Dot to a cooking class?:-) Doesn't he know that you have adoring fans to take care of with amazing posts and wonderful stories?

  2. Oh, bless you, PD!! Have you seen Julie & Julia yet? I saw it with Mr. Dot - actually we were in separate parts of the theatre (long story: I like the front row, he likes to sit further back) but after it was over, we agreed,, it was a very good film, and quite realistic.

    I've posted the award on the sidebar, thank you for tagging me!! xoxo

  3. I enjoyed reading this (and have just spent about 10 mins looking through all your other posts. Love that amazing black jacket covered in circles!) This one was lovely too, thats an incredibly photogenic bunch of friends. And that one girls dress is gorgeous, I love the scrunched efect of the skirt.
    Thanks for the email. I'm quite excited as to what could potentially happen.
    Oh and also, thanks for that blog award! I really do have to do a catch up blog award post soon...


  4. I love love LOVE this post. These kids are sooo adorable. Lovely, really.

  5. glad harmony's been restored. whew! ;) men just don't understand the importance of blogging and the pursuit of style sometimes, do they?

    anyway...the friend group looks like a fun bunch of kids. awww, to be so carefree again...

  6. hi jill!
    i adore these photos of teenagers.
    i imagine mr. freddy when he grows up like them..a happy and fun

  7. I think your shots are ALWAYS lovely. So here's another blogger who's in your court!

  8. Mr. Dot!!! Fashion before eggs!!!

    (My eggs this morning had sautéed red pepper & mushrooms in them, with a tiny bit of blue cheese for flavor. Mmmmmm. As far as I'm concerned eggs are really only for holding other good stuff together.)

  9. I enjoyed your post!
    and i love the ast pic, the best one I think!
    I hope your meal was delicious, and a biiiiiiiig hug to your cat!

  10. Quelle jolie histoire. Bises from Paris.

  11. I think Mr Dot was lucky not to get the eggs on his head LOL ;-)
    I love your blog becasue it has so much of you and your tastes in it, thats what makes it stand out from many others! It doesnt have to just be people in clothes. I can imadgine Mr Dots dispair though, bless him, he just needs to accept that fashion always comes before food!
    Pearl x

  12. Your squabbles with Mr. Dot always keep me entertained; though I'm sorry that the most recent one almost had you in tears. I'm glad my comment was able to brighten your day. Regardless of what Mr. Dot says, everything I stated in my last comment is still true - I do so adore that photograph! :)

  13. Oh, bless you each and every one! And Ms. Fashionista, that is so fitting that you concluded with that lovely comment!

    I'm going to do a post soon of my most artistic, blurry shots. Just to see if he's paying attention.
