
the girl next door

I was running late to meet my wonderful friend Maralee for lunch the other day (luckily, she was, too) and I met Alexandra just round the corner from home (she lives nearby, too). I couldn't not shoot her: she's got such a lovely, sunny manner, and a natural beauty that reminds me of a young Grace Kelly. Three quick shots: snap, snap, snap.

Shoes by French Sole, and sunglasses Dolce & Gabanna. Didn't get a chance to source the rest as kept on running, but if I hear from her, I'll keep you posted.

Now I must run, too: I'm late for a yoga class that I'm dreading: Natalie is one tough cookie, but in a good way! ; )


  1. the all black outfit really looks classy and elegant.
    i adore her military jacket.

  2. i just read your how do you like them eggs mr dot post!! made me laugh so much! glad domestic bless has been restored!! great group photos! Love the all saints dress! :)
    much love! Vicki. aka magpie-girl. xx

  3. She really is fabulous on so many levels. I just adore that military-inspired jacket. And the way she adds a ruby scarf and leopard print-embellished ballerinas to spruce up the look is just wondrous. You are such a fabulous photographer - you really captured her happiness and carefree persona in these pictures; it resonates all around her! :)

  4. Thank you sweet lovely women so much!! And the ones who commented on the previous post. In fact it's inspired me to post some cooking & Mr. Dot stories. Was going to make boeuf bourginon (sp?????) but had a major language misunderstanding with my friend Inma, and as result, he's getting ham & eggs again, that lucky man! ; D

    Re: Alexandra, I agree: she just radiated sunshine. It's becoming that I can't walk out the door to do an errand without taking my camera, I never know who I'll run into!

  5. Jill, your posts are just "off the hook" these days. I love them. So filled with awesome pictures and commentary. Keep it up! Am a big fan.

  6. If she were the girl next door to me I might move, just so I wouldn't suffer in comparison! What a beauty.

  7. Hello, Could I put your Photo on my facebook ?
    Because the shoes in the photo are very cute!
