
feeling blue

Was walking home after meeting my fabulous & fun friend Isabel for coffee at our latest favourite hangout & trend-spotting spot, Jaks, on Walton Street. Shot all these shots in the order seen, and didn't even realise til now that I was shooting a consistent colour scheme. Even when I saw the bird, it was more like 'ooh, what a cool bird.'

The shoes are from Zanotti, of course, and right across the street, at Joseph on the corner of Brompton Cross, was this intriguing window. I went inside & spoke with a nice sales guy and asked who made those knitted creations and he said 'Rodarte'. I asked him to spell it and he started to write it down but then said 'actually it's in the window' (sure enough, it is: along with a cute little bunny rabbit). I could so see wearing the black & blue dress on the left with a pair of 80s inspired sheer black tights with little dots, and those blue patent Zanotti booties. Can't you?

I assumed Rodarte for some reason was a man, but they're two sisters, based in LA. And I like their sensibility: they were quoted as saying 'If we could dig a ditch and bury our drresses and dig them out ten years later that would be the ideal of how we'd want them to look.'

How do I know this? Because everything is connected, and I just happened to buy the November issue of Vogue, where there's a whole piece on STREET STYLE. It's really cool, if you can get Vogue UK, they chose Christopher Kane in London, Philip Lim (another designer I only just discovered - DUH - via Joseph, as a matter of fact), in NY, and Rodarte in LA. In the Vogue issue, each of the three went street style hunting for the day, with photographers, and picked out people whose style they liked. Note to Chris: next time you want to go street style shooting in London, ask me!! ; )


  1. rodarte.
    THE most talented women their names are laura and kate mulleavy by the way. :)
    They've always been a favorite designer of mine!
    Nicky :)

  2. What store was the Rodarte stuff in? I was just the other day on my blog talking about how hard their stuff is to find on the internet. (Not that I can afford it, anyway...)

    Those blue Zanotti boots want to come home with me. Can't you hear them calling my name?


  3. nice photos, i love ur blog
    big kiss from Spain!
    x ;)

  4. Ms. Spy: the London shop is Joseph. I don't know where you'd find it in Texas, but you might want to ask Nicky, she knows everything ; )

    (I say that with the most upmost fondness and respect, Miss Lips)

    Aleho, thank you, and wish I were in Spain now, one of my favourite countries on this planet!!

