

Met Isa, from Sweden, on the way to the park, on Gloucester Road. She'd done eight catwalk shows and was just coming from Toni & Guy, because the junk they put in her hair for the shows had made it turn colour. She showed me: while her hair is natural blonde, it did have a slight.. neon green tint. They gave her some treatments at Toni & Guy, assured her it was just temporary. Occupational hazard. At least no one made her dye it black. Even Alexa Chung has jumped on the black hair bandwagon, following her pals Agyness, Lily, and Daisy. Those girls!!

Isa has gone back to Sweden now, and back to school. But she's such a lovely girl, and I'm sure we'll be seeing more of her. I just hope her hair goes back to it's proper colour. She was trying to be brave, but I could have sworn I saw the hint of a tear. Perhaps it was simply exhaustion. Get some rest, Isa, and come visit us again.

UPDDATE: Hats off to the wisdom of Pearl, @ Fashion Pearls of Wisdom, who sent this comment shortly after I posted last night: "Ah that happended to me when I was blond many years ago, chlorine in the pool gave my very blond hair a green tint, tomato ketchup is bizzarly the key to neutralise the colour back! So dont worry Isa your lovely locks will be just fine!"


  1. a greenish cast? yikes. although it doesn't show in your photo- i'm sure she's thankful for that.
    as a matter of fact, i can kind of relate. well, mine's not green, but...let's just say i look forward to Step 2 (next week) of my hair color transition! going platinum to darkish takes a few steps...and i'm not very patient, lol!

  2. Ah that happended to me when I was blond many years ago, chlorine in the pool gave my very blond hair a green tint, tomato ketchup is bizzarly the key to neutralise the colour back!
    So dont worry Isa your lovely locks will be just fine!

  3. Thank you, Pearl, will email Isa. I wonder if T&G know that tip!

    Stephanie: Now that I think of it, I can remember my (naturally blonde) sister going thru something like that.. I didn't realise it takes steps, having of course virgin hair. What would happen if you just did it in one step? Did they tell you? Do you have to keep flying to Miami?

    Whatever happened to the good old fashioned Bottle Blonde?

  4. Thanks Jill, hope it might help someone else!

  5. I love Isa! Check her out on my blog.. I styled a shoot with her.
