
glam factor

This season especially, it's more important than ever to go for the glam. Day as well as night. I remember reading somewhere, that no matter how poor you're ever feeling, the one luxury you shouldn't do without, even if you need to beg, borrow, or steal, is your favourite scent. And it's so true: the value in that one squirt (or two) can make anything possible.

Another way to bring on the glam factor is a bit of black and gold detailing. It can be anywhere, can be baroque, or biker chic. I'm going to start wearing some old gold costume jewelry chains round my black riding boots, like a giant ankle bracelet. Will post that soon. Have fun, girls, the possibilities are endless.


  1. I'm totally stealing the chains & boots idea!! Brilliant!!

    What fragrance do you wear, J?


  2. Jo Malone, honeysuckle & jasmine, or at the moment, french lime blossom.. But I must say Im' intrigued by the fragrance Stephanie got in Miami, the one with the mild stench of death (ashes). I bet it was Frankinsence.

    How about you, Miss Spy? what's YOUR poison? ; ) xx

  3. Those bow shoes are amazing! I think I'm love.
