
my old man

My old man just got a bit older: yesterday was his birthday. He's gonna be mighty pissed off at me, because he's left me for a few hours & gone to see a film so I can work on my fashion shots (hundreds of them) before I meet my friend Claudia, who's going back to Italy tomorrow. And he's not going to be a happy camper when he comes back and sees I've been posting about him again (he's the most un muse-like muse).

But I was thinking recently, I can't imagine life without him. He is a force of nature, brilliant, challenging, talented in so many ways, some he's only just becoming aware of, and makes me laugh even when I'm determined not to. I just saw Christa's thats so rad post, and was inspired to post this. To quote Kate Hepburn to Henry Fonda in On Golden Pond, he is my Knight in Shining Armour.

This live version of Joni Mitchell @ the BBC isn't the way I know it from the album, and it ends kind of abruptly, but I still think it's one of the best things to come out of the seventies. And it's kinda how I feel about my old man.


and if you liked that, try some of this:

1 comment:

  1. Anyone who inspires you to post Joni Mitchell must be pretty fantastic. "A Case of You" may be one of my favorites of all time -- one of the most romantic songs ever written. Happy Birthday, Mr. Dot!

