
John and his purple trainers, sketching

Inspired by a recent post from the gorgeous Erica, of Fashion Chalet, I'm going for a purple and red theme with these three shots taken within minutes of each other on Friday at the V&A. I love that combination even tho I recently said I don't like a) red, or b), purple with grey.

As I was posting this, our reincarnated cat decided that we didn't give him enough attention (we've just come back from the weekend in the Herefordshire countryside) so he knocked my entire full mug of PG Tips tea off my night stand, all over my favourite White Company pj's, the carpet, the laptop case, and several innocent books in the area. AND the last episode of Emma has already started & I'm missing it. I'm hardly jumping for joy about the situation.

So, lucky you, you get the shots without much explanation apart from the top shot is a sweet student from Germany (more about her & her friends soon), middle is a purple hair/coat combo I saw on the front steps and bottom, John, sketching a statue in purple trainers from China.


  1. Yay . . . you are falling in love with purple. I swear it to be true!

  2. John is really hot!
    and he looks clever!

  3. really a nice blogging with a lot of great posts..

  4. does john give out his number to strangers?

  5. Thank you so much for the tage, darling - you're the sweetest.

    Just had to say I adore this post. For some inexplicable reason I have become utterly obsessed with red and purple hues over the past few weeks, and this feature caters to both. J'adore the last photograph - John looks so sophisticated up top, then goes wild and crazy with that funky footwear. Quite fun! :)
