
Vicky outside the V&A

Yesterday was a gift from the gods here in London: suddenly it got so warm, dry, even at times, sunny. I had a lovely coffee & chat (& lunch) @ Jaks with my friend Isabelle, then trotted off to the V&A to see my friend Dorrian (more about her next time). Outside, I saw Vicky, an artist & art student who had just had a lovely visit in the V&A.

I love how she's got that balance between comfortable & casual (Topshop 'jeggings' - how I hate that word, why can't we just call them 'leans', it's the same hybrid and at least it makes sense) and yet elements of glam in the pearls, lace, chains, and stunning orange red nail varnish.

As I was drifting off to sleep last night I was thinking: Victoria, outside the Victoria and Albert Museum. Well, it seemed more profound at the time.

Off to deepest Herefordshire & the in-laws, Mr. Dot is impatient that I haven't packed yet. Packing LOTS of grey & mucking about boots - expecting rain. Have a lovely weekend everyone!


  1. I agree 'jeggings' is too ridiculous a word, however 'coatigan' is realy anoyying me too, I cant bear to read Grazia for it cropping up on every page! x

  2. Jegging? Whaaat?

    P.S. Was just on thatsorad. Cristi gave you an award! congrats.

  3. jeggings, lol! i've never heard that. i call them "legging jeans", as per my Current/Elliot pair.
    her orange nail polish is a neat contrast to her gray outfit.

  4. I adore her pearl bracelets! Especially the deep blue ribbon with interlaced pearls.
    Pretty girl, interesting picture!

  5. she has a sofisticated style with a little edge! super rad!!

  6. I live in Hereford and, yes, it is raining rather heavily at the moment.
    I think that jeggings are worn too much and the originality of them have just disappeared yet this girl makes them look so much better with the pearls and lace.

  7. She is so lovely - very classic and sophisticated with a tad of trendiness. Those jeggings look fabulous on her - I may need to pick up a pair. Lovely work, as always - you've truly captured a mischevious sparkle in her eye! :)

  8. Not normally a fan of 'jeggings' (really don't like that word either), but she really makes them look lovely with her jacket and pearls.

  9. yes full-time in Raleigh for now.. we like it. :)

    how have you been? GREAT grey outfit.


  10. i can't believe no one has mentioned this...she looks just like melissa joan hart!

  11. Im the girl in the picture, Vicky.
    Thanks you for all the nice comments, and just for some of you're information, i got all of my braclets from Acessorise.
    I love the V&A, i was there to do some art, and in this picture i was sitting outside waiting for my mum to come pick me up, when a very nice lady came up to me and asked if she could take a picture of me sitting there, i agreed, and that was how this picture came about :)
    Thank you Jill, xx
