
santa, baby, i'd like the whole kate moss collection, please

How exciting: just got a sneak preview of Kate Moss's Christmas collection, and, girls, it's so gorgeous, that I'm breaking with my tradition of just posting my own shots (altho, man, would I love to do my own street shoot with this line!)

Thank you for your lovely, lovely comments yesterday on the underwear-as-outerwear thing. So glad you get it: it doesn't matter who coined the phrase, altho I still think it's me ; ) - it's the idea of wow, we're all connected, we're all on the same page. That's the whole point of blogging!

Which makes Kate's new collection - which launches tomorrow, I believe - all the more interesting. I can't show you everything in one go - I'll show more later, I promise - but this time there's some gorgeous underwear which no one is stopping you from wearing as outerwear, (these are bras you seriously must be seen in) and in some cases like this dress, revealing the lace underneath is intentionally built into the design.

This such a rich collection, lots of glam factor, as we'd expect from our Kate at Christmas, but what really spells luxury for me are the traditional Japanese and Chinese influences. I've always wanted one of these Cheongsam dresses, and the one time I found one at a charity shop, the silk was so restricting I felt I couldn't breathe. But this is cleverly done in lurex knit, so we can do more than breathe in it. If you get my drift ; )

Last but not least, these yummy rose print silk pyjamas, adorned with an embroidered K, which come with a drawstring bag in the same material (don't you love those bags? Perfect for traveling, even to the pool @ the gym). And either the top or bottom would look great on the street.

Santa, baby, I so know what I want under my tree this year!



  1. I'm SO excited to see the new collection :)
    My birthday is next saturday so hopefully I will pick something up with my mom ;)
    And that coat in the first picture is to DIE for :D
    nicky x

  2. i LOVE that animal print bra (not surprising!)...and the Cheongsam dress (now i know what to call it). gorgeous, gorgeous stuff!

  3. i meant to add- you must get that Cheongsam dress!! tell mr. dot you really need it. it looks so your style! :) and if you do, you'll have to post pics here.

  4. Hey, punkin'! Radio silence indicates nothing except I've been wacky-busy around here.

    I've never been able to pull off a cheongsam -- too pear-shaped. Love the way they look, though.


  5. Good morning from Texas Jill-

    I can't believe that Christmas is around the corner. I really like Kate Moss's collection. The Chinese inspired dress is stunning. You should have that piece in your closet for sure. Tell Mr.Dot I said that ;).

  6. Hello there,
    I'm the nice anonymous who is no longer anonymous.
    I've just made a blog so would be really grateful if everybody could have a look. I've made a few errors on it and wasn't sure how to edit them, but try to ignore them.


    I just saw the new Kate Moss collection online yesterday and love it! I wish I could afford to buy every piece of it. Will have to look in topshop tomorrow at it.

    Lydia xx

  7. I love the Asian inspired pieces!!!

  8. kate is still my favorite after all these years; I remember why as soon as I see her photographs. the lingerie is so beautiful.
    Thank you for the sweet comment! all photos on my blog are taken by me unless otherwise noted... that's why most of my shots are fragmented!
