
these boots are made for walking

Georgie, being a catwalk model in Russell & Bromley boots. Top by.. you won't believe this, but I do believe it's Topshop!

There's been a lot of debate lately between being a bootie girl, or over-the-knee. Can't we be both?


  1. I'm an over-the-knee girl myself - and I'm fully smitten with this pair. Love the way they were toned down by being paired with a flirty floral frock - I think I may need to try this combination out myself!

    I just want to say thank you so much for putting that link to my piece about CitiSoles in your sidebar - you are truly one of the sweetest people I've ever met (virtually, of course)! :)

  2. wow, she looks stunning!

  3. I say be both! These are great shots. And I agree with Cafe Fashionista -- you are one of the sweetest people on the blogosphere.

  4. Both, in fact all boots, I love long, short, flat, heeled!!
    And I also have to agree with the girls above, you are one of the sweetest people in blog land, and you really helped me out being so welcoming when I first started blogging, you're a star Jill Dot x

  5. Here I am (again...I think I'm in love with this blog.ahah) and sure, I will send you some shoots taken in Florence (my e mail is luna.francesca@yahoo.it) Oh, boots.... here in italy every woman wears jeans inside boots....every woman... everyday....everywere... I love boots, but I think there are million ways to wear them,with a dress, with leggings or with an oversize cardigan, but please: take off your jeans from your boots!!...sooo boring, believe me. lovexxx

    Francesca, Florence (Italy)

  6. gorgeous, gorgeous pics- LOVE the mini dress (top?) and OTK boots. sexy and carefree at the same time.

    as for the question- oh, J, i am a boot girl in any shape or form...over the knee, calf height, scrunchy, ankle boots, whatever...call it a slight obsession, if you must. i think it started somewhere around age 2. there's a photo of me wearing my dad's boots, or rather, they're wearing me!

  7. If my boots would ever come in, I'd be both! Who would have known that there would be a postal strike in your neck of the woods? I wait...

  8. In the words of Rachel Zoe - I DIE! I love this look and is a frequent weekend look here in the states. And I think you can be both ankle boot and over the knee boot girl. But I think it takes a really sexy attitude to pull off the over the knee look.

  9. This is definitely a good use of over-the-knee boots. The dress is so lovely! I am a big fan of girly, floral dresses. They are so innocent and feminine. Pretty pictures Jill.


  10. Blown away by your kind words, every one of you!

    J: we knew there would be hardships with the postal strike, but to be forced to wait for your boots to arrive... that's inhumane!!

    And Miss Odyssey: that phrase - your boots 'wearing you' - I've noticed that expression several times in the past 24 hours, so that's another meme that's flying round the blog world right now. I love the way it's so quick & almost coincidental: like everyone waking up and feeling like wearing purple.

    Was having a bit of a down day yesterday - nothing related to Anonymous, just some family stuff - and your comments coming in when they did, each of you, it totally made my day!! x

  11. Those boots are fabulous on her! I tried on similar and looked a little like a pirate. Maybe my size is too small. the little floral dress works great with the heavy boots.

  12. her dress goes so beautifully with the boots

    just the perfect lengths,


  13. Wow what a good stylish picture.

    Beauty Blog

  14. those boots are AMAZING!!! iv been searching for a pair for some time now, and came across this website thats just launched called www.yogoego.com ...

    they have very similar flat over the knee boots at such a great price...


    check it out guys, i havent taken mine off since i bought them :0)
