
english eccentrics: spot the difference

I've been thinking about the little documentary that student Emma Allen & her friends are doing on British fashion, and how it's different from other regions. Maybe I'd feel this way wherever I lived, because I'd be looking for it, but it seems to me that what's going on in fashion right now, and this might not just be London, is a permission to be eccentric. To take classic concepts, to beg, borrow, and especially, steal, from every era that came before us. And then make it our own. With our own deeply held preferences for colour and texture, and our own collective references to a past that could well be before our mothers' or even grandmothers', time.

Case in point: this one shot of an anonymous girl @ fashion week. This is clearly 2009, but in pattern and texture, there are references as far back as that golden British era, between the Wars. It's Classics meets Alice In Wonderland, only she forgot her skirt. These are my favourite colours, by the way. And I love the way it's Day One of fashion week and she's sticking her hair in a thing. THAT takes total confidence! I bet she's gorgeous. Or at the very least, happy in her own skin. And that's where true style is born.


  1. I think that English style has always been known for its eccentricity and inventiveness.

  2. hi jill.
    i missed you so much!
    i'm glad to be back and visit your blog again.

    i had a blast in Key West. We were there to witnessed
    the Fantasy Fest. Very cool and i took lots of photos.

    I love those leggings, btw. i have those but mine is in different color.

    oh, i noticed you have a new profile picture. so cute, jill!

    have a nice afternoon!

  3. This is such a fantastic photo! I really love how it's taken from the back

    -Shoeless Simone

  4. love this photo, darling!
    have a lovely weekend, xoxo

  5. I love your blog! I love how you capture such a variety of looks and can see good bits and pieces in everything. I've never been to London, but I think I would love to people watch there someday as it appears folks there are much more willing to be creative with their looks than here in the U.S. and actually make it look good :) Thanks for sharing!

  6. I think this girl looks awesome!

