

It wasn't just the stories of the clothes at the recent auction of Audrey Hepburn's wardrobe that fascinated me: each person I met had an interesting story, a connection, a reason they showed up that morning. Two people, male and female, flew in from Ireland for the day just for the exhibit (& didn't know each other). And I've just received the most beautifully written letter from Alex, who works for Kerry Taylor (which I'll post soon). AND from the woman from Ireland: fascinating story.

Or Bobby, shown here, who works nearby for the British Council (he's also in a band) and just felt drawn to the exhibition. It was kind of like Close Encounters of the Third Kind: all of us, seemingly so different, yet we felt compelled to show up.

He told me that his girlfriend, Imogen, love sixties style, and she & sells vintage sixties clothes. He then pointed to this dress and said 'she has a dress just like this one, in fact.'

Then later that day, he sent me this shot, which I remember seeing posted on a blog. I knew he looked familiar. Can't wait to meet Imogen & do a little shoot with the two of them.

I didn't realise we could ask to inspect the clothes, in this case, the Givenchy haute couture herring-bone tweed jacket, worn in 'How to Steal a Million', 1966.

Okay, that's probably enough Audrey style for one day. Well, just one more: A Givenchy 'haute couture silver and white brocatelle evening coat and bodice, probably Autumn-Winter 1966'. No story for this one, apart from Audrey's own memories. We'll just have to use our imagination.


  1. What a fab exhibition, would love to find time to get down to London to see it! I love this post Jill its so facinating all the people you met. Reminds me of when I went to see the Westwood exhibit, as we were all there for the same reason everyone was so excited and chatting away! x

  2. That is fabulous... you were able to inspect the dresses up close.

    Bobby and Imogen are such a cute couple.

  3. Isn't amazing how beautiful women can be when so covered up? Imogen reminds me of how much a face can exude beauty without the help of all the other female parts front and center. ;)

  4. It's amazing how one woman can bring so many different people together. I'm not sure anyone could do that anymore.

  5. wow, they have style!
