
no smoking (and merry christmas)

Have you noticed over the years that no one is using the classic bright green and red colour combination in Christmas decorations anymore? All the good shop windows have gone all white & silvery, or maybe a bit of red.. or the warmth of gold, with the forest greens of actual, uh, forestry.. none of the lurid green in this cool guy's tee. The only example of that colour scheme I could find is with this group of smokers, huddled in a doorway in a side street in Camden, reeking of attitude. The red, in this case, being provided of course by the no smoking sign.

I know my mom doesn't approve of photos with people smoking, but it's the best way to catch people standing still on the street, now that smoking has been banned inside in the UK. Actually, mom, this is a test to see if you're still following my blog daily!

(I love his boxer shorts peeking out: they might actually be a Christmas print).


  1. I love that the green dude is totally wearing Christmas print boxers! x-D And if I may say so myself, that is one handsome red headed man! A handsome bunch really... have a great weekend!

  2. Hahahaha! Your mom is surely following your blog and she wouldn't approve of this... seeing young people smoking.

  3. ; ) she's very supportive. And yes, she most definitely does not approve of smoking!

  4. this is fab!
    I'm a smoker (ssshhh) and find seeing other people smoke rather fascinating.

  5. Okay, don't worry daisychain, your secret is safe with me. And whoever else on the planet happens to be reading these comments.

    (I'm an ex smoker, and not proud of it: it's a stupid, pointless habit, but when we're young, that's kinda the point: we're allowed a few stupid, pointless habits).

  6. I am an ex smoker, too, gave up a year ago. I miss it sometimes...
    have a lovely day, xoxo
