
happy boxing day, cupcakes!

We're back home in London, Mr. Dot just called out 'There's Keith Richards! There's Keith Richards!' doing a cameo on Pirates of the Carribean, the cat is biting my foot in excitement that we're home, our Christmas was wonderfully perfect in every way, and I hope wherever you were, however you celebrate, yours was, too.

Anyway, totally knackered as they say, so cheating again and posting shots from last year's one wonderful day of London snow. Herefordshire was absolutely gorgeous, covered in snow: it couldn't have been more magical. Come tomorrow, we'll resume our previously scheduled program. So grateful for your comments, and looking forward to catching up on everyone's blogs. After all, as Scarlett O'Hara would say, tomorrow is another day. But for now, this is Polka Dot, streetstyle reporter, signing off.


  1. pretty style, pretty snow. i do like to see how people style their wellies!
    happy boxing day to you, too, dot.
    and by the way, thanks for adding Style Odyssey to your "greatest hits and daily reads"; i am flattered!

  2. Oh, I so adore these photographs! I hope you had a wonderful holiday, my love!! :)

  3. Nice style, love the coat! Happy boxing day to you too!

  4. Welcome back Jill.

    Oh I wish I can be that girl in the photos. I can shiver and wrinkle in the snow, I don't care. I just want to experience snow.

  5. Hi, Jill! Just want to say Merry Christmas to you! hope you are having the best holiday with your family! :)

    And as always your photos and eye for styles are very inspiring. :)

  6. lovely! I envy you for the snow- it was all gone by Xmas here... :(
    have a sweet day, xoxo

  7. Glad you had a lovely Christmas, up North our fluffly snow is now grey moosh and an icey death trap, so I will stay indoors and enjoy your photos xx

  8. I love pictures snow :-) so december, or Christmas time in USA (as the american movies).
    About the girl outfit, her Hunter boots rain...is not dangeours to walk/street snow or cold?
    Best wishes

  9. I love this girl. I never look stylish in winter weather, but this photo is definitely my new inspiration. I wonder where I can get such a fabulous coat...

    Hope you have a great Christmas!


  10. Thank you all! Hope you all had a perfectly magical Christmas, too! Even you, Pearl, with your grey moosh and icey death trap.

    Ana: not dangerous at all, a bit slippery but it disappeared after a day (I hope I clarified: this shot was from last year's famous snowstorm in February!). It was really tricky walking around in the countryside, tho: walking back from church on Christmas day, we had to be really careful.

    Red Boots: I didn't ask her at the time, but I"ve got a post coming up with a lovely girl named Kate, and she's got a similar shape. Hers was from Topshop. Of course! ; )
